

A Study on Public International Laws in the Arctic Region
摘要 北极地区自然资源丰富,但气象条件极端、生态系统极为脆弱,其国际公法问题主要集中在主权归属、海洋划界和环境保护方面。北极理事会、北极地区的国际公约和协定,不仅提供了北极地区的法律保障,还为各国在北极地区的合作提供了框架。北极地区关于国际公法的具体实践,既展示了各国在维护该地区的国际法秩序和稳定发展方面所做出的努力,也突出了面临的挑战和问题。各国需要加强国际合作与协商,以国际仲裁和司法程序为主要途径解决纠纷和争端问题。 The Arctic region is rich in natural resources,but its meteorological conditions are extreme,and its ecosystem is extremely fragile.The public international laws have been enacted to address sovereignty attribution,maritime delimitation,and environmental protection.The Arctic Council and international conventions and agreements in Arctic region provides not only legal protection for the region but also a framework for cooperation among countries.The implementation of public international laws in the Arctic region not only demonstrates the efforts of various countries to maintain the international legal order and stable development of the region but also highlights the challenges and problems faced.Nations need to strengthen international cooperation and consultation to resolve disputes through international arbitration and judicial procedures.
作者 邹晓天 Zou Xiaotian(Law School,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105)
机构地区 湘潭大学法学院
出处 《西部学刊》 2023年第18期69-72,共4页 Journal of Western
关键词 北极地区 国际公法 领土争端 航行自由 资源开发 the Arctic region public international law territorial dispute navigation freedom resource exploration
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