
社会实践教学:破解课程思政核心问题的关键——以当代中国政治制度课程为例 被引量:1

Social Practice Teaching:A Key Breakthrough to Solve Core Problems in Curriculum-based Ideological and Political Education-Taking the Course"Contemporary Chinese Political System"as An Example
摘要 全面推行课程思政是新时代高校思想政治教育工作的重要举措,社会实践教学是课堂教学在时间和空间上的有效拓展。将教育部《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》对高校课程思政建设具体要求和建构主义理论相结合,在厘定课程思政核心难题、溯源难题产生内在机理的基础上,论证核心难题破解的关键在于实施社会实践教学。以当代中国政治制度课程为例,挖掘当地社会实践基地的思政元素,构建高质量课程思政社会实践教学实施框架和实施过程,总结出坚持以问题为导向、以创新为途径、以可推广为原则的社会实践教学经验。 The comprehensive implementation of curriculum-based ideological and political education is an important measure in the ideological and political education work of universities in the new era.Social practice teaching is an effective extension of classroom teaching in terms of time and space.Based on analyzing the intrinsic causes of the core issues in curriculum-based ideological and political education,integrating the requirements of the Ministry of Education's"Guidelines for the Construction of Curriculum-based Ideological and Political Education in Higher Education Institutions"and Constructivism theory,this study argues that the key breakthrough in solving the core issues lies in social practice teaching.Taking the course Contemporary Chinese Political System as an example,it highlights the ideological and political value of local social practice bases,forms a high-quality curriculum-based ideological and political social practice teaching system,and summarizes the experience of problem-oriented,innovation-driven,and promotable practice teaching.This provides theoretical and practical references for the implementation of curriculum-based ideological and political education in different disciplines and majors in higher education.
作者 李静 LI Jing(Guangdong Open University Zhanjiang Department,Zhanjiang,524003,Guangdong)
出处 《南京开放大学学报》 2023年第3期56-61,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Open University
基金 广东开放大学2022年体系教育教学研究与改革项目综合教改(重点项目)“社会实践教学赋能开放大学课程思政建设研究”(2022TXJG03) 广东教育学会2023年度科研课题“基于大中小学思政课教师队伍一体化建设学理探赜的实践机制研究”(GDES14430)。
关键词 社会实践 课程思政 当代中国政治制度课程 social practice curriculum-based ideological and political education course on Contemporary Chinese Political System
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