
东南亚地区安全架构变动:历史轨迹、影响因素与发展面向 被引量:1

The Changes of Security Structure in Southeast Asia:Historical Track,Influencing Factors and Development Orientation
摘要 东南亚地区安全架构是东南亚研究的重要问题之一,且具有独立的研究价值。1967年东盟成立后,东南亚地区安全架构持续变动并在安全实践中体现为差异化特征和形态。大国竞争和发展推动东南亚地区形成不同的安全理念和关系性逻辑。大国的推动和东盟动议共同构成东南亚地区安全架构。东南亚地区安全架构经历了英美苏主导、美苏主导、美国主导、多元并存的发展阶段。这四种形态的东南亚地区安全架构,都是由大国在特定时期互动和博弈建构的。透过东南亚地区安全架构变动的历史轨迹,发现在东南亚地区安全架构“大棋局”中,主要存在三大影响因素:美国主导下的东南亚安全秩序为东南亚地区安全蒙上阴影,东盟引导下的东南亚安全秩序维系着东南亚地区安全的稳定,中国推动下的东南亚安全秩序为东南亚地区安全共生性发展作出实质性贡献。基于东南亚地区安全架构变动的历史轨迹和影响因素,为东南亚地区提供中国安全治理理念、优化大国协调路径、推动各利益方构建东南亚地区新的原则和规范及深化中国和东盟在东南亚地区的安全合作是东南亚地区安全架构积极发展的关键。 Being an important issue in the study of Southeast Asia,the regional security framework of Southeast Asia has independent research value.Since the establishment of ASEAN in 1967,the security architecture of Southeast Asia has changed continuously and manifested in the security practice as the characteristics and patterns of differentiation.The competition and rise of Great Powers promote the formation of different security concepts and relational logic in Southeast Asia.The actions of the major powers and the ASEAN initiative together constitute the security framework of Southeast Asia,which has experienced the stages of Anglo-American-Soviet dominance,American-Soviet dominance,American dominance and multi-dimensional coexistence.These four forms of regional security architecture in Southeast Asia are due to the great powers'interaction and construction of the gamein a specific period.Through the historical track of the regional security structure in Southeast Asia,it can be found that in the regional security structure of Southeast Asia,there are three major influencing factors:the U.S.-led Southeast Asian security order casts a shadow on the security of Southeast Asia,the ASEAN-ledone maintains the stability of the regional security,and the Chinese-drivenone makes substantial contributions to the symbiotic development of the security in the area.Based on the historical track and influencing factors of the security architecture changes in Southeast Asia,the key to the positive development of the regional security architecture is to provide the Southeast Asian region with Chinese security governance concepts,optimize the path of major-country coordination,push all stakeholders to build new principles and norms in the region,and deepen security cooperation between China and ASEAN in the region.
作者 颜欣 陈邦瑜 Yan Xin;Chen Bangyu
出处 《东南亚纵横》 2023年第3期77-90,共14页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“大国战略竞争下东盟地区安全治理机制变迁及中国对策研究”(19CGJ009)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 东南亚地区 安全架构 安全秩序 霸权护持 命运共同体 Southeast Asia security architecture security order hegemonic patronage community of shared future
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