

Analysis on promoting the path transformation of data librarians in university libraries
摘要 在不断变化的数据密集型环境中,数据已经成为图书馆的重要资产,高校图书馆正在向以数据为驱动的新兴模式转型。数据规模增长、数据利用价值增多、数据应用范围增大,使得图书馆员的职位要求发生了很大的变化,成为数据馆员是当今时代对图书馆员的一种必然要求。文章探析高校图书馆数据馆员的路径发展特色,对我国高校图书馆数据馆员人才培养和未来发展提供参考性建议,以此来提升我国高校图书馆的创新服务水平。 In the constantly changing data-intensive environment,data has become an important asset for libraries,and university libraries are transitioning towards an emerging data-driven model.The growth of data scale,the increase in data utilization value,and the expansion of data application scope have led to significant changes in the job requirements of librarians.Becoming a data librarian is an inevitable requirement for librarians in today’s era.The article explores the development characteristics of data librarians in university libraries,providing reference suggestions for the talent cultivation and future development of data librarians in university libraries in China,in order to improve the innovative service level of university libraries in China.
作者 柳迪 Liu Di(Library,Shanghai University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201701,China)
出处 《江苏科技信息》 2023年第23期53-55,69,共4页 Jiangsu Science and Technology Information
关键词 高校图书馆 数据馆员 能力转型 university library data librarian capability transformation
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