

The Establishment of the First United Front of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China-Commemorating the 10oth Anniversary of the 3rd National Congress of the Communist Party of China
摘要 第一次国共合作统一战线的确立是中共三大的主题。三大的召开经历了“二大——西湖会议——三大”的曲折过程,支持和反对合作的斗争激烈。共产国际、中国共产党和国民党是国共合作统一战线确立的三个相关方,代表人物是马林、陈独秀和孙中山,他们都有重大功绩和严重缺失。马林把列宁民族解放的新思想带进中国,组织召开了一大和三大、确立了国共合作统一战线,是马林对中共的重大贡献;孙中山是国共合作的理想领袖;马林高估国民党而低估共产党,且不争统一战线的领导权,影响并导致陈独秀犯了右的错误,给大革命失败种下祸根。中共三大开启了马克思主义从书斋学问迈向中国革命实际的“一个伟大的转变”,统一战线不仅是这一转变的标志,而且从此贯串中共百年乃至长远的未来,新时代彰显了它的意义和价值。 The establishment of the first united front of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China was the main theme of the 3rd National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The process of the congress went through a series of twists and turns,from the Party's 2nd National Congress to the West Lake Conference and finally to the Party's 3rd National Congress,with intense struggles both in support of and against cooperation.The Communist International,the Kuomintang,and the Communist Party of China were the three relevant parties in the establishment of the united front,represented by Ma Lin,Chen Duxiu,and Sun Yatsen.They all made significant contributions and had serious shortcomings.Ma Lin brought the new idea of national liberation by Lenin into China,organized the convening of the lst and 3rd National Congress of the Communist Party of China,and established the united front of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China,which was Ma Lin's major contribution to China.Sun Yatsen was the ideal leader of the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation.However,Ma Lin overestimated the Kuomintang and underestimated the Communist Party,and did not compete for the leadership of the united front,which influenced and led to Chen Duxiu's rightist mistake,sowing the seeds of the failure of the Great Revolution.The 3rd National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened up a"great transformation"of Marxism from a study in the study room to the practice of the Chinese revolution,and the united front not only symbolized this transformation but also has been interwoven with the past hundred years and the foreseeable future of the Communist Party of China.The new era has demonstrated its significance and value.
作者 汪浩 WANG Hao(Huaiyin Normal University,Huai'an,Jiangsu 223001)
机构地区 淮阴师范学院
出处 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第5期433-439,539,共8页 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 中国共产党 中共三大 国共合作统一战线 意义与价值 Communist Party of China the 3rd National Congress of the Communist Party of China United Front of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China Significance and Value








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