
日据时期台湾地区总督府理蕃政策研究综述 被引量:1

A Review on Li Fan Policy of Taiwan Region Governor-General Office During Japanese Occupation Period
摘要 日据时期台湾地区总督府的殖民政策研究是台湾地区史研究中的重点问题。中国内地学界主要研究机构是中国社会科学院台湾史研究中心、厦门大学台湾研究院,学者们将理蕃政策纳入同化政策、原住民抗日斗争进行研究,成果多集中于台湾地区民族运动、殖民地教育、两岸关系等方面,缺乏对理蕃政策的整体性研究。中国台湾学界的主要研究机构是“中央研究院”台湾史研究所、近代史研究所及中国台湾大学历史系,关注台湾地区总督府档案资料汇编、私人文献和口述历史挖掘等方面工作。台湾省文献委员会编《台湾省通志稿》《台湾总督府档案中译本》,周宪文等人编《台湾文献史料丛刊》等,均是不可或缺的研究资料。日本学界的主要研究机构是东京大学、中京大学等,培养了若林正丈、石田浩等日本台湾地区学会骨干成员。日本学者多采用微观研究方式,注重从日方视角审视台湾地区与日本关系,分析殖民统治者内部矛盾及对台湾地区的影响,探讨其作为殖民地在政治上的特殊性。 The study of the Li Fan policy(Japanese administration of Taiwan aborigine)of Taiwan Region Governor-General office during the Japanese occupation period is a key issue in the study of Taiwan history.The main research institutions in the mainland are Taiwan History Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies of Xiamen University,where scholars have incorporated the Li Fan policy into the assimilation policy and the indigenous people's resistance against Japanese aggression during the Japanese occupation.The results are mainly focused on the Taiwan's national movements,colonial education,and cross-strait relations,lacking comprehensive research on the Li Fan policy.The main research institutions in Taiwan-province academic community are the Institute of Taiwan History of the“Central Academy”,the Institute of Modern History,and the Department of History of Taiwan University,which focus on compiling archives of the Taiwan Governor-General Office and excavating private documents and conducting oral history research.The Taiwan Provincial Documentation Committee has compiled The Draft of General Records of Taiwan Province,and Chinese Translation of Archives of Taiwan Governor-General Office,and Zhou Xianwen and others have compiled the Taiwan Documentation and Historical Materials Series,all of which are indispensable research materials.The main research institutions in the Japanese academic community are the University of Tokyo,Chukyo University,etc.,which have trained backbone members of the Japanese Taiwan Association,such as Wakabayashi Masahiro and Ishida Hiroshi.Japanese scholars often adopted a micro-study approach,focusing on examining the Taiwan region-Japan relations from the Japanese perspective,analyzing the internal contradictions of the colonial rulers and their impact on Taiwan,and exploring its political uniqueness of Taiwan as a colony.
作者 包萌萌 Bao Mengmeng(School of History and Culture,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot 011500)
出处 《西部学刊》 2023年第17期54-58,共5页 Journal of Western
关键词 日据时期 台湾地区总督府 理蕃政策 Japanese occupation period Taiwan Region Governor-General Ofice Li Fan policy(Japanese administration of Taiwan aborigine)
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