
哈尔滨地区水稻二化螟发生规律研究 被引量:1

The frequency of occurrence of Chilo suppressalis in Harbin
摘要 【目的】明确二化螟Chilosuppressalis在哈尔滨地区发生规律。【方法】2020-2021年连续2年采用黑光灯诱集成虫和室内外饲养观察等方法,研究二化螟发生世代数和各虫态发生动态及其发育历期、产卵量等生物学参数。【结果】二化螟在哈尔滨地区能完成2代,1年发生1-2代,6月15日之前孵化的幼虫几乎不进入滞育而全部发生2代。越冬幼虫化蛹盛期为5月末至6月上旬,蛹期为(9.64±2.28)d,越冬代成虫羽化盛期为6月中旬。田间二化螟成虫于6月下旬和7月底至8月上旬出现2个明显灯诱高峰期,20:30-21:30灯诱成虫数量占比达到70%以上,雌雄性比为1∶0.21。在25℃,成虫寿命为(7.27±2.08)d,卵期为(5.84±0.77)d;越冬代成虫产卵期为(3.91±0.98)d,单雌产卵量为(318.40±125.76)粒,1代成虫产卵期为(4.31±1.02)d,单雌产卵量为(420.31±167.87)粒。成虫在产卵期前2日产卵量高达总量的77%以上。一代成虫高峰期在7月末至8月上旬,2代卵高峰期在8月上旬。以5-7龄幼虫越冬,6-7龄幼虫数量占比达91%以上。【结论】确定了二化螟在哈尔滨地区的年生活史,明确二化螟发生代数和发生期出现明显新变化。研究结果对掌握哈尔滨地区二化螟发生规律和发生世代数,指导二化螟测报调查和精准防控具有重要理论意义和实际价值。 [Objectives]To determine the frequency of occurrence of Chilo suppressalis in Harbin.[Methods]Black light traps were used to capture adults and captive colonies were maintained both indoors,and outdoors,to determine the number of generations,dynamic changes in each life stage,and biological parameters such as developmental duration and fecundity,for two consecutive years from 2020 to 2021.[Results]The results show that C.suppressalis can complete two generations in Harbin,with one to two generations occurring each year.Very few larvae that hatch before June 15 diapause and all have two generations.The peak pupation stage of overwintering larvae was from late May to early June.The average pupal stage was(9.64±2.28)d.The peak of eclosion of overwintering adults was in mid-June.Light-trapping data indicate that there are two obvious peaks of adult abundance;in late June and from the end of July to early August.Over 70%of adults were captured in light traps between 20:30 and 21:30,and the ratio of females to males captured was 1︰0.21.At 25℃,adult lifespan was(7.27±2.08)d,the egg stage was(5.84±0.77)d,the oviposition period of the overwintering generation adults was(3.91±0.98)d and the number of eggs per female was(318.40±125.76)d.The duration of the oviposition period of first generation adults was(4.31±1.02)d and the number of eggs laid per female was(420.31±167.87)d.Adults lay eggs more than 77%of all eggs in the first two days of the oviposition period.Peak abundance of first-generation adults was from the end of July to early August,and the peak of second-generation eggs was in early August.Although instars 5-7 can overwinter 91%of overwintering larvae are from the 6th to7th instar.[Conclusion]The annual life history of C.suppressalis in Harbin was determined and the generation number and temporal occurrence peaks of this pest have obviously changed.These results have important theoretical implications and practical value for improving both the forecasting and control of C.suppressalis in Harbin.
作者 王紫君 任中杰 宋显东 王春荣 张齐凤 于洪春 WANG Zi-Jun;REN Zhong-Jie;SONG Xian-Dong;WANG Chun-Rong;ZHANG Qi-Feng;YU Hong-Chun(College of Plant Protection,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China;Heilongjiang Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Station,Harbin 150090,China)
出处 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期913-921,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
基金 黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划重大项目(GA19B104)。
关键词 二化螟 哈尔滨地区 发生规律 世代数 生活史 Chilo suppressalis Harbin occurrence regularity generations annual life history
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