

Increasing Climate Resilience for Social-economic Sustainable Development with Optimization of Ecosystem Services
摘要 当前中国生态系统面临经济社会发展与气候变化的双重胁迫。人口剧增、经济高速发展引发对自然资源的过度开发利用,损害生态系统的结构与功能;而全球变暖、不断加剧的极端天气气候事件对生态系统所产生的危害甚至是毁灭性的。生态文明建设具有广泛的可持续发展内涵。资源节约、低碳发展,减少温室气体的排放,能够减缓全球变暖的幅度,降低气候变化对生态系统所产生的额外胁迫的强度,减轻气候变化对生态系统的不利影响,保护生态系统功能的完整性;而优化国土空间开发格局,加大自然生态系统和环境保护力度,将有效保护生物多样性,提升生态系统的服务功能;加强生态文明制度建设和加强生态文明宣传教育,则增进社会各界参与生态文明建设的主动性、自觉性,稳固生态文明建设的成果、促使生态系统服务向持续优化的方向发展,进而增强经济与社会可持续发展的气候韧性。 Chinese ecosystem is now undertaking the stresses both from social-economic development and climate change.The structure and function of ecosystem had been injured from the over-exploitation of natural resources due to rapid increase of population and economic development;while the destructive damages,sometimes even catastrophic,have been occurred from global warming and the enhanced extreme weather/climate events.There is a wide-ranging implications of ecological civilization construction in China.The global warming can be mitigated from the reduction of greenhouse gases emission,and then the intensity of extra climatic stresses on ecosystem could be lowered,thus the negative impacts of climate change on ecosystem could be alleviated to protect the integrity of ecological system's functions.Biodiversity conservation can be effectively carried out through optimizing the spatial pattern of land use and strengthening the protection of natural ecosystem and the environment to promote the ecosystem services.Initiatives and consciousness for the public to participate in the ecological civilization construction could be encouraged when creating favorable regulations as well as raising the publicity with education,which would be helpful to maintain the achievements of ecological civilization construction and formulate the positive feedback for the optimization of ecosystem services,and then strengthen the climate resilience for the social-economic sustainable development.
作者 许吟隆 Xu Yinlong
出处 《生态文明新时代》 2023年第4期35-38,共4页 The New Era of Ecological Civilization
关键词 生态文明建设 气候变化 生态系统服务 气候韧性 Ecological civilization construction climate change ecosystem services climate resilience
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