
“通国身”:“具身化”理论的本土想象 被引量:1

“Tongguoshen”:Another Perspective to Understand the Theory of“Embodiment”in Chinese Culture
摘要 “具身化”是近年来身体研究的重要议题,它以超越身心二元论为立论前提,但在推理方向上却又难以消解二元论的痕迹,因而构成该理论的一种内在困境。本文借助汉儒“通国身”思想深入发掘本土“身心一体”观念中的身体理论资源,可以拓宽该理论的发展空间。其中,“通国身”蕴含着“治身”与“治国”之间相通的义理,具有以下两点重要参考价值:就突破理论困境而言,中国文化将“身”作为一个生命体验式的交感系统,能够进一步消解二元论中原本具有的身心界限以及心相对于身的优先性;就开拓本土研究而言,生物—社会融合的本土身体观构成了理解中国社会的基底,它能够从生物演化与社会存在的角度考察生物性的“人”与社会性的“人”,以此丰富“社会”的基本理解方式,是一种扩展社会学传统界限的重要资源,值得被重新发掘。 “Embodiment”is an important research topic in body research in recent years.Although“embodiment”takes transcending the dualism of mind-body as its premise,it fails to eliminate the traces of dualism in its reasoning and thus creates an internal dilemma of the theory.From the cultural comparative point of view,the mind-body monism in Chinese culture and the mind-body dualism in Western culture are used as reference framework in this study.In view of this,this paper is a study of the history of Chinese social thought on“embodiment”,focusing on the concept of“Tongguoshen”proposed by Dong Zhongshu in the book Chunqiu Fanlu(春秋繁露).The paper analyzes the mechanism of“embodiment”in the holism of body and mind,and discusses why the“body”is the foundation for the construction of Chinese society.“Tongguoshen”means that body-management and country-governing are interlinked.This has two important reference values:First,in terms of overcoming the theoretical dilemma of“embodiment”,Chinese culture regards“body”as a sympathetic system of life experience,which can dispel the original physical and mental boundaries,and eventually eliminate the priority of mind over body.These two aspects are the key to solving the problem of dualism in embodiment theory.Second,the study touches an unexplored area of Chinese research on the biology-sociality integration view of native body that constitutes the basis for understanding Chinese society.With the understanding of“body”,we can begin to make sense of“human being”with biological and social factors from the perspective of biological evolution and social existence,and further enrich our basic understanding of“society”.In this sense,“body”deserves to be rediscovered as an important resource that expands the traditional boundaries of sociology.In addition,the study points out that the thought of“body-management”in Chinese culture tradition is of great significance to understanding contemporary Chinese society,and provides useful reference for specific issues such as social governance and social construction.
作者 冯碧莹 宣朝庆 FENG Biying;XUAN Chaoqing
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期40-71,共32页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
关键词 具身化 通国身 身心一体 生物—社会 embodiment “Tongguoshen” mind-body monism biology-sociality
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