
统治风险与胥吏人事:官吏分途现象形成与持续的政治逻辑分析 被引量:1

Governance Risk and Staff Personnel Management:A Political Logic Analysis of the Formation of Officials and Local Staff Separation and Its Persistence
摘要 本文试图论证,官吏分途从治理逻辑来看是一个非常糟糕的制度安排,其形成与持续主要是政治逻辑支配的结果。古代中国一直存在着朋党与官僚贵族化等官僚人事风险,导致统治者的人事权力受到侵蚀,危及统治基础。胥吏人事制度涉及各级政府如何安排僚属的问题,因而与上述官僚人事风险紧密关联。文章认为,官吏分途的形成是东汉以来官僚贵族化的结果,贵族与庶族的社会身份差异影响了正式官制的设置,造成官与吏在来源人群、等级地位与道德评价上的全面分途。官吏分途的持续则与后世统治者对官僚人事风险的防范有关。胥吏人事的合理化需要重新引入政治上风险巨大的辟署制,统治者宁愿忍受官吏分途导致的治理弊病也不愿变革。本文的研究拓展了“风险论”的视野,揭示了此前较少为人关注的官僚人事风险及其对中国古代官僚体制的深远影响。值得注意的是,类似的统治风险在当代依然部分存在,也受到中央越来越多的关注重视,并着手防范整治。 The separation of officials and local staff(官吏分途)was an important phenomenon in the history of Chinese political system.Recently,some scholars have argued for the rationality of its existence from the logic of governance.This paper attempts to demonstrate that the division between officials and local staff is a troublesome institutional arrangement from the perspective of governance,and its formation and persistence are mainly the result of political logic.In ancient China,problems of bureaucratic cliques and aristocratization often led to the erosion of imperial governance power and endangerment of the ruling power.The management system handling petty bureaucratic functionaries at all levels was thus closely associated with governance risk prevention.First of all,this study argued that separating officials from local staff began with the bureaucratic aristocratization during the Eastern Han dynasty.The difference in social status between nobles and commoners affected the establishment of formal official ranking system,resulting in a total separation between officials and local staff in recruitment,ranking and moral prestige.Secondly,the continuity of this separation after the Tang dynasty was closely related to the rulers’desire to prevent governance risks.After Song dynasty,the problems associated with the separation between officials and local staff became well recognised.For each succeeding dynasty,reform proposals were attempted but more or less all wanted to go back to the open but politically highly risky selection system(pishu,辟署制).The Imperial rulers would rather endure the ills of the system than change it.This paper reveals the bureaucratic personnel risks that have not been explored previously and its profound influence on the ancient Chinese bureaucracy.It is worth noting that similar political risks still exist in contemporary times,and they are now receiving increasing attention and rectification.
作者 王泉伟 WANG Quanwei
出处 《社会》 北大核心 2023年第4期214-239,共26页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“中国传统多民族国家治理方略及其现代价值研究”(20CZZ011)的资助。
关键词 胥吏 官吏分途 统治风险 辟署制 local staff the separation of officials and local staff ruling risk selection system(pishu)
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