The article focuses on the three generations of German Regietheater(director theatre)after World WarⅡ,and endeavors to analyze the leading directors of the three generations with the clues of aesthetic as well as political characteristics,and its inter-generational political evolution.Specifically,this article manages to solve three sets of problems.First,it explores the unique aesthetic characteristics of the three generations of German post-war director theatre and the fundamental reasons for these aesthetic characteristics.Second,it decodes the profound and complicated reasons for the strong political flavor of the director theatre,including historical reasons,self-identity and orientation since the enlightenment,and even more,the expression of the political nature of the very theatre.Thirdly,it displays the political characteristic of each generation of director theatre,focusing on how each generation responds to its own problems of the times,and how it evolves between generations.In the process of evolution,the politics and aesthetics of the director theatre are interwoven together to reveal the self-identity and self-reflection of the German nation.
Theatre Arts