The transmission capacity of gas pipeline networks should be calculated and allocated to deal with the capacity booking with shippers. Technical capacities, which depend on the gas flow distribution at routes or interchange points, are calculated with a multiobjective optimization model and form a Pareto solution set in the entry/exit or point-to-point regime. Then, the commercial capacities, which can be directly applied in capacity booking, are calculated with single-objective optimization models that are transformed from the above multiobjective model based on three allocation rules and the demand of shippers.Next, peak-shaving capacities, which are daily oversupply or overdelivery amounts at inlets or deliveries,are calculated with two-stage transient optimization models. Considering the hydraulic process of a pipeline network and operating schemes of compressor stations, all the above models are mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems. Finally, a case study is made to demonstrate the ability of the models.