

A Study of“Plum Blossoms Ten Elders”Literati Gathering and Multi-ethnic Gentry Community in Xinping during the Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 《盘龙寺探梅花十老倡和图记》(简称《图记》)为福建举人陈昆于乾隆三十四年(1769)新平知县任上所作,“梅花十老”是由陈昆、李联元、孙绍宗、陈延、陈子周、陈诏来、杨钦、舒品高、陈白珩、苏子书组成的士人群体。《图记》记载了雅集盛况并由画工绘制了《十老图》,该图现已失传。《图记》所言“志聚赏之情”、图绘“汉、夷人等偕老之意”,背后实为宣扬教化覃敷和盛世荣耀,寓意着新平多族士民共同体构建与“天下一家”的理念实践。结合新平彼时历史情境,“志聚赏之情”与乾隆时期基本结束了明末清初以来以新平为中心的滇南地方社会的“野贼”滋扰不断的无序局面有密切关系。“改土归流”背景下边疆民族地区儒家文化的提倡和推进,也为多民族士绅群体的成长提供了契机,使他们能够和地方官吏同台互动,共享升平之世。 “Records of Ten Elders Looking for Plum Blossoms at Panlong Temple”(“The Records”for short hereinafter)was written by Chen Kun,a scholar of Fujian Province,as the county head of Xinping in the 34th year during Qianlong's reign(1769).“Ten Plum Blossoms Elders”was a group of scholars,including Chen Kun,Li Lianyuan,Sun Shaozong,Chen Yan,Chen Zizhou,Chen Zhaolai,Yang Qin,Shu Pingao,Chen Baiheng,and Su Zishu.The Records recorded the grand occasion of the gathering and a painting was made of the ten plum blossoms elders which has been lost.The words“records of gathering and appreciation”and the depiction of“the aging together of the Han people and ethnic minorities”in The Records promote the universal enlightenment and the glory of prosperous times,implying the construction of a multi-ethnic community of scholars and people in Xinping and the ideological practice of“the world as a family”.In light of the historical context of Xinping at that time,the sense of“gathering and appreciation”is closely related to the chaotic situation of the“bandits”in the local society of southern Yunnan centered around Xinping since the late Ming and early Qing dynasties,which ended during the Qianlong period.The advocation and promotion Confucian culture in ethnic borderlands against the background of“replacing Tusi with the government-dispatched officials”also provided opportunities for the growth of multi-ethnic gentry groups,enabling them to interact with local officials on the same stage and share a peaceful life.
作者 毕舒颖 茶志高 BI Shu-ying;CHA Zhi-gao(Yunnan Minzu University,Kunming,Yunnan 650500)
机构地区 云南民族大学
出处 《怀化学院学报》 2023年第4期108-112,共5页 Journal of Huaihua University
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“滇黔古代少数民族汉语诗文书写的中华认同研究”(22BZW190) 2022年度云南省哲学社会科学创新团队项目“中华民族共同体视域下少数民族文学经典研究”(2022CXP02)。
关键词 新平 梅花十老 多族士民 《图记》 创作意图 Xinping Ten Plum Blossoms Elders multi-ethnic gentry the records intention of writing
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