

Performance Modeling and Simulation of Marine Steam Turbine Regulating Valve Based on Modelica/MWorks
摘要 采用MWorks建模仿真平台对船用汽轮机调节阀进行建模与仿真验证研究,建立描述调节阀流量—阻力特性的数学模型和图形化仿真模型。经过仿真验证,得出主要结论如下:采用Modelica/MWorks平台可以有效建立颗粒度适宜的多学科多物理场耦合设备的图形化模型,且模型可重用性强,能够有效支撑汽轮机建模仿真;所建立的调节阀数学模型仿真计算效率较高,不同工况下流量曲线计算结果与设计数据趋势一致,各工况下其最大相对误差约为0.8%,能够真实反映调节阀的流动特性,准确地反映了调节阀的运行状态和规律。 The MWorks modeling and simulation platform are used to model and verify the control valve of marine steam turbines,and a mathematical model and graphical simulation model are established to describe the flow resistance characteristics of the control valve.Through simulation verification,the main conclusions are as follows:Using Modelica/MWorks platform,it can effectively establish a graphical model of multidisciplinary multiphysics simulation coupling equipment with appropriate granularity,and the model has strong reusability,which can effectively support turbine modeling and simulation;The established mathematical model of the regulating valve has high simulation calculation efficiency,and the flow curve calculation results under different working conditions are consistent with the design data trend,and the maximum relative error under each working condition is about 0.8%,which can truly reflect the flow characteristics of the regulating valve and accurately reflect the operating status and laws of the regulating valve.
作者 张鲲羽 刘忠诚 张旭阳 ZHANG Kunyu;LIU Zhongcheng;ZHANG Xuyang(Shanghai Marine Equipment Research Institute,Shanghai 200031,Shanghai 200031,China;School of Mechanical and Power Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《机电设备》 2023年第4期106-114,共9页 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
关键词 MODELICA 调节阀 建模 仿真 Modelica regulating valve modeling simulation
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