目的 探讨冠脉内成形及支架术对冠心病患者QT离散度的影响。方法 对成功实施了冠脉内成形及支架术的冠心病患者 5 0例 ,记录术前 1天与术后第 1天、第 7天的 12导联心电图 ,计算各QTd、QTcd。结果 冠心病患者冠脉内成形及支架术前 1天、术后第 1天、第 7天QTd和QTcd分别为72 1± 9 3ms和 6 9 5± 8 8ms、5 8 3± 5 2ms和 5 7 4± 5 1ms、4 1 6± 3 6ms和 4 0 2± 3 2ms,术后QTd及QTcd均显著低于术前 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 冠脉内成形及支架术可使冠心病患者QTd明显缩短。
Objective To assess the effect of coronary angioplasty and stent implantation on QT dispertion(QTd).Methods We analysed the QTd and corrected QTd (QTcd) of standard 12-lead electrocardiogram of 50 patients with coronary heart disease before and after PTCA and stent 1?7day.Results Before PTCA and stent and after 1?7day,the QTd and QTcd were respectively 72.1±9.3ms and 69.5±8.8ms?58.3±5.2ms and 57.4±5.1ms?41.6±3.6ms and 40.2±3.2ms.After successful operation,the QTd and QTcd were significantly reduced ( P <0.05).Conclusion After successful PTCA and stent implantation,the QTd and QTcd in patients with coronary heart disease were reduced significantly.
Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology