
从千亿向万亿:全球气候治理中的资金问题 被引量:1

From billions to trillions:finance in global climate governance
摘要 当前全球金融系统仍然未能有效驱动金融资源支持气候行动,具体表现为全球气候融资规模与《巴黎协定》下温升控制目标所对应的资金需求之间存在着数量级的资金缺口。多年来《联合国气候变化框架公约》(以下简称《公约》)下的资金谈判一直围绕发达国家对发展中国家的资助展开,然而在2022年《公约》第27次缔约方会议(COP27)上,除了在长期气候资金、新的集体量化目标、损失和损害资金3个“资助”议题下形成了单独决定之外,大会还开启了《巴黎协定》2.1 (c)条的讨论窗口,呼应了全球金融系统改革。这标志着《公约》下气候资金的内涵拓展到了广义的气候资金和系统性解决方案,即如何在全球范围内调动更多的气候资金来响应贫穷国家和气候脆弱国家的急迫需求,以及《巴黎协定》温升控制目标所对应的广义资金需求。目前来看,这一转变既有可能模糊《公约》下资金谈判焦点和共同但有区别的责任原则,又使资金议题谈判的内容进一步泛化,超越《公约》的边界,与发展中国家债务减免、全球金融体系改革等议题紧密关联。针对正在发生的变革,我国应积极准备有关《巴黎协定》2.1(c)条相关内容的谈判,把握全球金融系统变革的重大机遇,积极参与新资金机制的讨论以及国际标准和规则制定。 The current global financial system fails to effectively drive financial resources to support climate action,as evidenced by the order of magnitude gap between the scale of global climate finance and the financing needs aligned with the temperature rise goals under the Paris Agreement.For many years the climate finance negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”) have revolved around developed countries' funding for developing countries,yet at the 27th Conference of the Parties(COP27) to the Convention in 2022,in addition to the three “funding” issues of longterm climate finance,new collective quantified goal,and funding for loss and damage,all of which resulted in standalone decisions,the Conference also opened a window for discussion on Article 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement,echoing the reform of the global financial system.This marks an expansion of the connotation of climate finance under the Convention to climate finance in a broad sense and systemic solutions,i.e.,how to mobilize more climate finance globally to respond to the urgent needs of poor and climate-vulnerable countries,as well as the broader financing needs aligned with the Paris Agreement.As it stands,this shift threatens to both blur the focus of negotiations on finance issues under the Convention and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities,and to further generalize the content of negotiations on finance issues beyond the Convention,closely linked to issues such as debt relief for developing countries and reform of the global financial system.In response to the ongoing changes,China should actively prepare for the negotiations on the issues relating to Article 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement,seize the significant opportunity of the transformation of the global financial system,and actively participate in the discussion of the new financial mechanism and the formulation of international standards and rules.
作者 谢璨阳 董文娟 王灿 XIE Can-Yang;DONG Wen-Juan;WANG Can(School of Environment,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期653-662,共10页 Climate Change Research
基金 气候变化与碳中和国际合作联合行动资助项目“全球深度减排的关键技术和重点政策机制研究”(20223080029)。
关键词 全球气候治理 资金机制 COP27 《巴黎协定》2.1(c)条 全球金融系统转型 Global climate governance Financial mechanism COP27 Article 2.1(c)of the Paris Agreement Global financial system transformation
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