

Reports on Disaster Relief in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas of the CPC
摘要 为了深入了解中国共产党抗日根据地的救灾报道内容,给新时期党和政府领导群众工作、有效把握舆论阵地提供借鉴,运用文献研究法,在探究灾荒背景的基础上,对《太岳日报》自1942—1944年3年近800期的相关报道内容进行了整理:归纳出筹粮贷款、捕灭蝗虫、组织互助、开展防疫和技术指导等五大项内容;提炼出报道的主要特点,即应灾性明显、内容上以发展农业生产和动员群众互助为主;概括了报道的编写策略是图文结合与内容互补、多体裁综合运用和以群众之语晓救灾之理;在分析救灾效果的基础上,总结出中国共产党抗日根据地救灾报道的历史经验,即坚持理论与实践相结合、实事求是和党的群众路线。 In order to understand the contents of the disaster relief reports in the CPC’s anti-Japanese base areas,and provide reference for the Party and the government to lead the work of the masses and effectively grasp the position of public opinion in the new era,the paper,using the literature research method and based on the exploration of the background of the famine,sorts out the relevant reports of nearly 800 issues in Taiyue Daily from 1942 to 1944,sums up five major tasks including food raising and loan,locust catching,mutual aid organization,epidemic prevention and technical guidance and comes up with such characteristics of the reports as clear disaster response and with main focus on developing agricultural production and mobilizing the masses for mutual assistance and the writing strategy of the report is combining images and texts with complementary content,using multiple genres comprehensively,and using the language of the masses to understand the disaster relief principles.On the basis of analyzing the effect of disaster relief,this paper summarizes the historical experience of disaster relief reports in the CPC’s anti-Japanese base areas,that is,adhering to the combination of theory and practice and seeking truth from facts and the Party’s mass line.
作者 孙童言 龙先琼 SUN Tongyan;LONG Xianqiong(College of Humanities,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,China)
出处 《宁波工程学院学报》 2023年第3期69-76,共8页 Journal of Ningbo University of Technology
关键词 《太岳日报》 救灾措施 编写策略 救灾效果 历史经验 Taiyue Daily disaster relief measure writing strategy disaster relief effectiveness historical experience
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