

Evaluation of the training effectiveness for pediatric specialty nurses
摘要 目的:探讨基于3C3R模型的授课课程为核心的儿科专科护士培训内容并评价其应用效果。方法:基于3C3R模型的授课课程为核心,融合专业知识、专科技能、人文关怀、沟通技巧等课程为一体的教学课程,采用自行设计的儿科专科护士培训的问卷调查174名学员对培训的满意度、专业能力提升以及培训后专科护士使用情况。结果:93.11%的学员对培训课程非常满意,80.46%的学员成为科室的骨干,60.01%的专科护士发表了论文。结论:基于3C3R模型的授课课程为核心培训内容设置合理,培训效果较好。 Objective:To explore the training content for pediatric specialty nurses based on the 3C3R model and evaluate its application effectiveness.Methods:The training program integrated the 3C3R model-based teaching curriculum,which included courses on professional knowledge,specialty skills,humanistic care,and communication skills.A self-designed questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the satisfaction of 174 trainees,their improvement in professional competence,and the utilization of pediatric specialty nursing after the training.Results:93.11%of the trainees were highly satisfied with the training program.80.46%of the trainees became key members in their departments,and 60.01%of the specialty nurses published papers.Conclusion:The training content based on the 3C3R model is welldesigned,and the training program has shown good effectiveness.
作者 周红琴 诸纪华 徐红贞 楼晓芳 朱海红 高建娣 凌云 陈秀萍 Zhou Hongqin;Zhu Jihua;Xu Hongzhen;Lou Xiaofang;Zhu Haihong;Gao Jiandi;Ling Yun;Chen Xiuping(Afiliated Children's Hospital,Zhejiang University School of Medicine,National Center for Children's Health and Disease,Hangzhou 310000,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《中国高等医学教育》 2023年第7期110-111,114,共3页 China Higher Medical Education
关键词 3C3R模型 儿科 专业 护理 护士 专科护士 3C3R model Pediatrics specialty Nursing Nurses Specialty nurses
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