

Development of Genetically Modified Crops and Related Policies in South Asian Countries
摘要 南亚国家农村人口众多,农业主要是小农经营。随着近年来人口急剧增长,以及干旱天气和极端气候频繁发生,加之较为落后的生产方式等,南亚国家对粮食问题的担忧一直存在。尽管转基因作物在南亚国家还存在诸多争议,但转基因作物的出现为解决其农业发展中遇到的问题提供了一种方法。南亚国家对转基因作物发展采取谨慎原则,旨在维护其粮食安全和生物多样性、保护小农利益。展望未来,南亚国家会加强转基因作物研发,注重自有技术,完善转基因作物监管政策,保障转基因作物与传统作物共存,加强区域合作进行转基因作物研发生产以及进出口。南亚国家转基因作物的发展情况及相关政策,可为中国、亚太及世界其他地区提供借鉴与启示。 South Asian countries have a large rural population, and agriculture is mainly small-scale farming. With the rapid population growth in recent years, the frequent occurrence of drought and extreme weather, and the relatively backward production mode, serious concerns about the food problem in South Asian countries have always existed. The emergence of genetically modified crops provides a solution method to the problems encountered in agricultural development, although there are many disputes about genetically modified crops in South Asian countries. South Asian countries have adopted the principle of precaution in the development of genetically modified crops, aiming to safeguard their food security and biodiversity and protect the interests of small farmers. Looking forward to the future, South Asian countries will strengthen the research and development of genetically modified crops, focus on their own technology,improve the regulatory policies for genetically modified crops, ensure the coexistence of genetically modified crops and traditional crops, and strengthen regional cooperation in the research, development,production, import and export of genetically modified crops. The development situation and related policies of transgenic crops in South Asian countries can provide enlightenment for China, Asia Pacific and other regions in the world.
作者 邓宗豪 张启迪 王强强 Deng Zonghao;Zhang Qidi;Wang Qiangqiang(Sichuan University,Chengdu 610207,Sichuan)
机构地区 四川大学
出处 《农业展望》 2023年第8期14-21,共8页 Agricultural Outlook
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“转基因作物全球种植情况及影响调查研究”(19BGJ085)。
关键词 南亚国家 转基因作物 监管政策 小农经济 粮食安全 生物多样性 South Asian countries genetically modified crops regulatory policy small farmer economy food security biodiversity
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