
从“阳化气,阴成形”探讨肉芽肿性乳腺炎的中医辨治 被引量:1

Discussion on TCM treatment of granulomatous mastitis from‘Yang transforms Qi,and Yin produces the shape’
摘要 肉芽肿性乳腺炎(Granulomatous Mastitis,GM)又称肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎或特发性肉芽肿性乳腺炎等,是一种好发于育龄期妇女的乳腺慢性炎症性疾病。中医多将其归属于“乳痈”“粉刺性乳痈”等范畴。近年来国内相关报道呈明显增多趋势,其发病率逐年升高。由于其起病急,病情进展迅速,在疾病发展后期易致乳房反复破溃,迁延难愈,同时存在治疗后复发率较高等问题,对患者的生活质量造成较大影响。中医药治疗GM具有其独特的优势,可有效改善患者临床症状,缓解患者痛苦,降低疾病的复发率。文章基于“阳化气,阴成形”的理论,分析其功能与机体正常生理状态及GM病理状态变化之间的联系,认为机体阳气虚衰为发病之本,阳化气不足,其温煦运化功能失常,津液代谢失调,酿生的湿邪、痰浊、血瘀等有形之邪结聚乳络,日久发病,故可见乳房疼痛、乳房结块等证候。因此纠正该病理状态为治疗的关键,故在临床治疗上当扶正补虚,以扶助机体阳气为主,益火之源以消阴翳。同时灵活运用化痰散结、祛瘀之法以消阴成之形,使机体达到“阴平阳秘,精神乃治”的状态。最后通过临证遣方用药来具体阐述其内涵与应用,为GM的中医辨治提供新思路。 Granulomatous mastitis,also known as granulomatous lobular mastitis or idiopathic granulomatous mastitis,is a chronic inflammatory disease of the breast that tends to occur in women of childbearing age.Traditional Chinese medicine often categorizes it into categories such as“breast carbuncle”and“acne like breast carbuncle”.In recent years,the number of domestic reports has increased significantly,and the incidence rate has increased year by year.Due to its acute onset and rapid progression,it is prone to recurrent breast rupture in the later stages of the disease,making it difficult to recover.At the same time,there is a high recurrence rate after treatment,which has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients.Traditional Chinese medicine has its unique advantages in treating granulomatous mastitis,which can effectively ameliorate clinical symptoms,alleviate pain,and reduce the recurrence rate of the disease.This article is based on the theory of“Yang(阳)transforms Qi(气),and Yin(阴)produces the shape”and analyzes the relationship between its function and the normal physiological state of the body and the pathological changes in granulomatous mastitis.It is believed that the deficiency of Yangqi(阳气)in the body is the root cause of the disease,with insufficient Yang transforms Qi,abnormal warming and circulation function,dysregulation of body fluid metabolism,and the accumulation of visible evil factors such as dampness,phlegm turbidity,and blood stasis in the mammary collaterals.Over time,the disease occurs,indicating symptoms such as breast pain and breast lumping.Therefore,correcting the pathological state is the key to treatment.Therefore,in clinical treatment,it is necessary to support the body’s Yangqi,and the source of beneficial fire to eliminate Yin.At the same time,the methods of resolving phlegm,dispersing nodules,and removing blood stasis to eliminate Yin are flexibly applied to bring the body back to a state of‘Yin calming and Yang secreting,and the spirit is the cure’.Finally,the connotation and application of clinical prescriptions are elaborated in detail,providing new ideas for the traditional Chinese medicine differentiation and treatment of granulomatous mastitis.
作者 张诗婳 曾一 ZHANG Shihua;ZENG Yi
出处 《中医临床研究》 2023年第18期94-97,共4页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
关键词 阳化气 阴成形 肉芽肿性乳腺炎 中医辨治 Yang transforms Qi,and Yin produces the shape Granulomatous mastitis Traditional Chinese medicine differentiation and treatment
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