Under the background that the United States continues to unite with its allies to suppress the development of China's 5G,Russian and other important third parties play a prominent role in the Sino-US 5G game.In Russian view,the fundamental purpose of the US crackdown on China's 5G is to maintain technological hegemony and global hegemony,which will have a negative impact on global economic development and strategic stability,and may lead to the polarization of the scientific and technological system.In the face of the 5G game between China and the US,Russia does not intend to take sides.Russia's basic attitude is to stay on the sidelines and strengthen itself.In order to avoid falling behind China and the US in the field of 5G,Russia has also joined the development of 5G.However,Russia's 5G development faces many practical difficulties,and its prospects are not clear.At present,it is impossible to know who will win the 5G game between China and the US,but it is undeniable that the 5G game between China and the US will accelerate China's self-sufficiency in high-tech fields.As a leading country in the development of 5G,China should strengthen relevant cooperation with Russia and jointly oppose the technological bullying of the US.
Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies
5G Development
China-US 5G Game
Polarization of Science and Technology