

Filamentous Algae Distribution and Manganese Accumulation in the Manganese Industry Area of Songtao River
摘要 电解锰行业较聚集的松桃河流域锰污染问题突出,对该流域藻类、水质、底泥及金属含量的调查,可为该流域污染源治理和水环境管理提供参考数据。根据现场调研和监测,了解了松桃河主要藻类的分布和生长情况,并对松桃河的水质指标、底泥和藻类的金属含量进行了研究和分析,对该流域水生态系统自净能力作了初步探索。结果发现:松桃河有藻类聚集生长的区域较少,仅在河水流速较缓、周边有居民区的受污染河段发现了附着在河底石块上生长茂盛的水绵属(Spirogyra)和刚毛藻属(Cladophora)丝状藻群落;松桃河水体中的主要污染物为氨氮和锰(Mn),在锰聚集区河段主要污染物超标情况明显。丝状藻和底泥的Mn含量均较高且呈现出明显的空间差异;两者的金属元素含量特征存在明显的差异,丝状藻呈现出对金属离子选择性的累积,特别是对Mn的累积能力较强;丝状藻中的Mn等金属元素主要来自底泥,其次来自河流,丝状藻的Mn含量比较综合地反映了河流Mn污染水平和累积情况;松桃河的活体丝状藻对Mn的富集系数达到2.6以上,显示了超强的Mn富集和耐受能力。 Manganese pollution is very high in the Songtao River basin where the manganese industry is concentrated,but the risk to the aquatic ecosystem is not clear.In this study,we investigated the distribution characteristics and growth status of filamentous algae in Songtao River.Water quality indices and heavy metal concentrations in algae and sediments were analyzed to characterize the water environment status of the Songtao River basin and explore the enrichment and tolerance of algae to heavy metals as well as the influencing factors.The aim was to understand the self-purification capacity of the aquatic ecosystem of Songtao River basin and provide data to support algal health in Songtao River.In December 2021,water quality monitoring(pH,dissolved oxygen,ammonia nitrogen and heavy metals),algae growth and sediment heavy metals were investigated at 16 sampling points in three areas of Songtao River basin,including the control area in the tributary(S1-S3),the manganese industry aggregation area(S4-S10)and the downstream area(S14-16).There were fewer areas of algae accumulation and growth in Songtao River,and filamentous algae,mainly of genera Spirogyra and Cladophora,was found flourishing on rocks at the river bottom in some contaminated sections where the river had moderate flow and was surrounded by residential areas.The primary water pollutants in Songtao River were ammonia nitrogen and Mn,and water quality standards were exceeded in the section where the electrolytic manganese industry is concentrated.The manganese concentrations of sediments and filamentous algae were both high,with obvious spatial differences.There were also evident differences in metal concentrations between the sediments and filamentous algae.Filamentous algae displayed selective accumulation of metal ions,and the abilities of Spirogyra and Cladophora to accumulate metals were different.Mn and other metals in filamentous algae came primarily from sediments and secondarily from water.The bioconcentration factors of Mn by filamentous algae in Songtao River were above 2.6,indicating hyperaccumulation and tolerance.The manganese concentration of filamentous algae gives a comprehensive reflection of the manganese pollution level and degree of accumulation in the river and has broad applicability in pollution monitoring.
作者 谢蔚嵩 黄代宽 朱令 张重乾 龚效宇 朱彬 XIE Wei-song;HUANG Dai-kuan;ZHU Ling;ZHANG Chong-qian;GONG Xiao-yu;ZHU Bin(Guizhou Institute of Environmental Science Research and Designing,Guiyang 550081,P.R.China)
出处 《水生态学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期123-132,共10页 Journal of Hydroecology
基金 贵州省科技支撑计划项目(黔科合支撑[2023]一般182) 贵州省基础研究计划项目(黔科合基础-ZK[2022]一般238) 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3705000)。
关键词 锰行业 丝状藻 富集 松桃河 manganese industry filamentous algae manganese accumulation Songtao River
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