

A Review of the Relationship between David Hawkes and Arthur Waley
摘要 霍克思与韦利二人学术间存在传承,汉学界对此似无异议,但其间具体的学术渊源与传承却是一个至今尚未说清的话题。本文借鉴历史分析、“推源溯流”、整合描述及文献考据等研究方法,还原霍克思汉学历程中承继韦利汉学研究的历史图景,钩沉与完善英国汉学发展谱系中重要的一环:霍克思是英国汉学发展史上第一代专业汉学家代表,韦利是英国汉学自学院式汉学向专业汉学时代过渡时期的“绅士—汉学家”代表,二人在英国汉学发展谱系上一后一前,不仅在汉学交游上颇有交集,且从汉学根本原则、基本学术路径到翻译基本理念均存在汉学学术传承关系。 The Sinology community seems to have no objection to the existence of an academic heritage between David Hawkes and Arthur Waley,but the specific academic origin and heritage is a topic that has not been clarified.This paper draws on the research methods such as historical analysis,the study of sources,integrated description,and literary research to restore the historical picture of Hawkes’inheritance from Waley in his growth into a renowned Sinologist,and to clarify and improve this important link in the development of British Sinology.Hawkes is representative of the first generation of professional Sinologists in the history of the development of British Sinology,and Waley is representative of the gentleman Sinologist in the transition period of British Sinology from academic Sinology to professional Sinology.They were not only acquaintances in Sinology,but also they were closely related in the fundamental principles of Sinology,the basic academic paths,and the chief ideas of translation.
作者 王丽耘 Wang Liyun
出处 《国际汉学》 2023年第5期105-115,159,共12页 International Sinology
关键词 霍克思 韦利 汉学交游 汉学学术传承 David Hawkes Arthur Waley Sinological relationships academic heritage of Sinology
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