

On the Origin of the Communist Party of China’s Early Construction of the Rule of Law in Shanghai
摘要 通过学习、研究党的百年奋斗史,研究、梳理党的百年法治大事记,在学习党的历史的同时,学习党的法治史,在讲好党史故事的同时,讲好党的法治故事。党一百年来对法治的探索与实践,进一步加深了对习近平总书记关于“我们党历来重视法治建设”“虽历经坎坷但对法治矢志不渝”“治国理政须臾离不开法治”等重要论断的理解,进一步加深了对习近平法治思想的科学性、真理性的认识。上海是中国共产党的诞生地,也是中国共产党法治探索与实践的起源地。上海是《中国共产党第一个纲领》、第一部《中国共产党章程》的诞生地,是党的纪律规范体系探索和实践的起源地;是党的组织规范体系和监督规范体系建设的起源地,是党早期首建城市人民革命政权的人民民主法制实践地;是《中华苏维埃共和国宪法大纲》等中华苏维埃共和国相关法律的起草地,是党领导工人运动的起源地。法制是我党建立初期同帝国主义和封建主义进行斗争的锐利武器。 By studying the centennial struggle history of the Communist Party of China and sorting out the chronicle of events of the Party’s rule of law over the past century,we can learn the history of the Party’s rule of law while learning the history of the Party,and tell the story of the Party’s rule of law while telling the story of the Party’s history.The party’s exploration and practice of the rule of law in the past 100 years have further deepened our understanding of important concluding remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping,such as“Our Party has always attached importance to the rule of law”,“Although it has experienced ups and downs,it is determined to the rule of law”and“Rule of law is indispensable to the governance of a country”,and further deepened our understanding of the scientificity and truth of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law.Shanghai is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China,and Shanghai is also the origin of the Party’s exploration and practice of the rule of law.Shanghai is the birthplace of the First Program of the Communist Party of China and the first Constitution of the Communist Party of China,the origin of the exploration and practice of the Party’s disciplinary normative system,the origin of the construction of the Party’s organizational normative system and supervisory normative system,the practice place of people’s democratic legal system for the first urban people’s revolutionary regime established by the Party in the early period,the drafting place of the outline Constitution of Chinese Soviet Republic and other relevant laws of the Chinese Soviet Republic and the origin of the Party’s leadership of the workers’movement.The legal system was a sharp weapon in the struggle against imperialism and feudalism in the early years of the Party’s establishment.
作者 崔亚东 Cui Yadong
机构地区 上海市法学会
出处 《法治社会》 2023年第5期12-21,共10页 Law-Based Society
关键词 上海 中国共产党 习近平法治思想 党的纲领 党的章程 人民民主 Shanghai Communist Party of China Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law Party's Program Party's Constitution People's Democracy
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