
职业院校社会服务能力提升策略研究 被引量:2

Research on Social Service Ability Improvement Strategy of Vocational Colleges
摘要 近年来,随着我国经济的高速发展、产业结构的不断优化,职业教育备受关注,职业院校建设在步入“双高计划”时期以来,发展迅猛。职业院校的社会服务能力作为高水平现代化高职院校建设的一个关键因素也愈发重要,提升高职院校社会服务能力是当前我国职业教育发展的重要发展方向。介绍了职业院校开展社会服务的重要性及必要性,并通过对比国内外职业院校社会服务能力的发展现状,指出了我国职业院校在社会服务方面存在的诸多问题,供需矛盾突出,区域发展不平衡,职业院校教师参与社会服务的意愿及能力不强,校企合作层次较浅、深度不够、质量不高等问题。以现有存在的问题为切入口,分析并提出提升职业院校社会服务能力的对策,对职业院校的长远发展、我国教育改革的有效推进以及“学习型社会”的加快建立具有重要的意义。 In recent years,along with the rapid development of our country’s economy and continuous optimization of the industrial structure,vocational education has attracted much attention,and the construction of vocational colleges has developed rapidly since entering the"double high plan"period.The social service ability of vocational colleges is becoming more and more important as a key factor in the construction of high level modern higher vocational colleges.To improve the social service ability of higher vocational colleges is an important developing direction for the development of vocational education.This paper introduces the importance and necessity of vocational colleges to carry out social services and pointed out some problems in social service of vocational colleges for example prominent contradiction,imbalance of regional development,the willingness and ability of vocational college teachers to participate in social services are not strong,the level of school-enterprise cooperation is relatively shallow,the depth is not enough,the quality is not high and so on.Based on the existing problems,this paper analyzes and puts forward countermeasures to improve the social service ability of vocational schools,which are of great significance to the long-term development of vocational schools,the effective promotion of our education reform and the accelerating establishment of"learning society".
作者 王春柳 李楠舟 Wang Chunliu;Li Nanzhou(Changchun Polytechnic,Changchun,Jilin 130033,CHN)
出处 《模具制造》 2023年第10期86-89,共4页 Die & Mould Manufacture
基金 2022年吉林省高教科研课题“高职院校工业设计专业‘多学科交叉型’教师团队建设研究与实践”(编号:JGJX2022C161),主持人李楠舟。
关键词 职业院校 社会服务能力 对策 vocational college socialservice capacity countermeasure
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