
减氮配施缓释氮肥对滴灌棉花氮素利用和产量的影响 被引量:2

Effects of nitrogen reduction combined with slow-release nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen utilization and yield of cotton under drip irrigation
摘要 为探究减氮施肥技术和缓释氮肥在新疆滴灌棉花上的应用效果,选用当地棉花主栽品种新陆早64号,设置不施氮肥(H1)、常规全施尿素(H2,300 kg/hm2)、减氮20%缓释氮肥与尿素配施(H3,240 kg/hm2)3个处理,分别在棉花不同生育期对棉田土壤理化性质、酶活性、无机氮含量进行测定,并在棉花吐絮期测定棉花氮素含量,分析减氮配施缓释氮肥对棉花氮素利用效率的影响。结果显示:在棉花各生育时期,减氮20%配施缓释氮肥处理0~20 cm土层团聚体稳定性显著高于常规全施尿素处理(P<0.05),在0~40 cm土层H3与H2处理全氮差异不显著;不施氮肥(H1)处理土壤酶活性在棉花全生育时期均处于较低水平,常规全施尿素H2处理土壤脲酶活性显著高于减氮20%配施缓释氮肥(H3)处理,过氧化氢酶活性均低于H3处理,2个处理间蔗糖酶活性和碱性磷酸酶活性差异不显著;H3处理在40~60 cm土层铵、硝态氮含量较常规全施尿素H2处理减少了棉花生育后期氮素的淋溶损失;H3处理的氮肥利用率为45.75%,高于H2处理(P<0.05),较H2处理提高了7.87百分点;减氮配施缓释氮肥有利于提高棉花产量,减氮20%配施缓释氮肥(H3)处理下棉花皮棉产量较不施氮肥(H1)处理提高了18.26%,且铃质量、籽棉产量、皮棉产量与常规全施尿素(H2)处理差异不显著,可实现减氮不减产。结果表明,减氮20%施氮水平下缓释氮肥与尿素配施(H2)增强了表层土壤团聚体稳定性,可在棉花全生育期维持较高无机氮含量,减少了氮素淋溶损失,有利于棉花氮肥利用率及产量的提高,可在滴灌棉田中推广应用。 Xinluzao 64,the main local cotton variety was used to study the application effect of nitro⁃gen reduction technology and slow-release nitrogen fertilizer on cotton under drip irrigation in Xinjiang.Three treatments including no nitrogen fertilizer(H1),traditional full urea application(H2,300 kg/hm2),and 20%slow-release nitrogen fertilizer with urea application(H3,240 kg/hm2)were set up.The physical and chemical properties,enzyme activity and content of inorganic nitrogen in cotton field soil were mea⁃sured at different stages of cotton growth.The content of nitrogen in cotton was measured at the stage of cotton boll opening.The effects of nitrogen reduction combined with slow-release nitrogen fertilizer on nitro⁃gen use efficiency of cotton were analyzed.The results showed that the stability of soil aggregates in the 0-20 cm soil layer treated with H3 was significantly higher than that treated with H2(P<0.05)at each stage of cotton growth.There was no significant difference in total nitrogen between H3 and H2 treatments in the 0-40 cm soil layer.The enzyme activity in soil of H1 treatment was at a relatively low level throughout the whole period of cotton growth.The activity of urease in soil of H2 treatment was significantly higher than that of H3 treatment,while the activity of hydrogen oxide enzyme was lower than that in H3 treatment.There was no significant difference in the activity of sucrase and alkaline phosphatase between the H3 and H2 treatments.The H3 treatment reduced the leaching loss of nitrogen at the later stage of cotton growth compared to the H2 treatment.The content of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen in the soil layer of 40~60 cm in H3 treatment decreased.The nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency of H3 treatment was higher than that of H2 treatment(P<0.05),reaching 45.75%,which was 7.87 percentage points higher than that of H2 treatment.The yield of cotton lint under H3 treatment increased by 18.26%compared to H1 treatment,and there was no significant difference in boll quality,yield of seed cotton and cotton lint compared to H2 treat⁃ment,which can achieve nitrogen reduction without yield reduction.It is indicated that H2 treatment enhanc⁃es the stability of surface soil aggregates,maintains the high content of inorganic nitrogen throughout the whole growth period of cotton,reduces the leaching loss of nitrogen,and is beneficial for improving the ni⁃trogen fertilizer utilization efficiency and yield of cotton.It can be popularized in cotton fields under drip irri⁃gation.
作者 邱悦 崔静 杨晓燕 田甜 王金刚 范海玲 王海江 QIU Yue;CUI Jing;YANG Xiaoyan;TIAN Tian;WANG Jingang;FAN Hailing;WANG Haijiang(College of Agronomy,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832003,China;Dynea(Guangdong)Co.,Ltd.,Zhaoqing 856105,China)
出处 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期122-131,共10页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42161042) 新疆生产建设兵团科技计划项目(2020AB018,2023B008-10) 石河子大学高层次人才基金项目(RCZK20208)。
关键词 棉花 滴灌 缓释氮肥 减氮 氮素利用率 土壤酶活性 产量 cotton drip irrigation slow-release nitrogen fertilizer nitrogen reduction nitrogen utili⁃zation efficiency enzyme activity in soil yield
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