
价值与路径:锦州地方文化资源融入课程思政教学研究 被引量:1

Value and Path:Research on the Integration of Local Cultural Resources into Curriculum Ideology and Politics Teaching in Jinzhou
摘要 地方文化资源是地方宝贵的精神财富。锦州地区蕴含丰富的地方文化资源,笔者从时空、载体、价值三个维度对锦州地方文化资源的内涵进行了界定。以弘扬文化传统、濡育红色传人,融入“小元素”、搭建“大舞台”,提升文化粘性、助力东北振兴三个层次探讨了锦州地方文化资源融入课程思政教学的价值意蕴。以搭建协同育人平台、提升教师融入能力、分层次深入挖掘利用、差异化融入课程教学、推动产教融合联合育人等方式探索有效教学路径,打造地方高校课程思政特色,同时也为锦州地方发展开辟新思路、注入新活力。 Local cultural resources are precious spiritual wealth of the region,and the Jinzhou region contains rich local cultural resources.This article defines the connotation of Jinzhou local cultural resources from three dimensions:time,space,carrier,and value.To promote cultural traditions and nurture the descendants of the red culture;integrating“small elements”into the“big classroom”and building a“big stage”for collaborative education;breaking through the development dilemma and assisting in the revitalization of Northeast China at three levels,this paper explores the value and significance of integrating local cultural resources into curriculum ideological and political education in Jinzhou.We have explored effective teaching paths by building a collaborative education platform,enhancing teachers’ability to integrate,exploring and utilizing resources at different levels,integrating differentiated curriculum teaching,and promoting the integration of industry and education in joint education.We have created the ideological and political characteristics of local university courses,while also opening up new ideas and injecting new vitality into the local development of Jinzhou.
作者 朱婧 刘衡宇 Zhu Jing;Liu Hengyu(School of Marxism,Jinzhou Medical University,Jinzhou 121002,China)
出处 《锦州医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期88-91,共4页 Journal of Jinzhou Medical University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省教育厅基金项目“五维度三体系一平台课程思政建设模式研究”(编号:10160-497)的研究成果。
关键词 地方文化资源 锦州 价值 路径 local cultural resources Jinzhou value path
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