

The Improvement of the Relationship Between Income Distribution and the Modern Income Distribution System—Thinking on the path of China-style modernization and common prosperity
摘要 党的二十大报告,为我们推进全体人民共同富裕的现代化提供了根本遵循。改革开放以来,我国形成以按劳分配为主体与按生产要素分配并存的收入分配格局,有效推动了社会生产力发展。2012年以来,我国人民生活和收入分配的调整优化取得显著成就:打赢脱贫攻坚战,全面建成小康社会,彻底消除绝对贫困;居民收入分配的基尼系数缩小;“放管服”改革,统筹抗疫与发展,税收、规费和金融等的一系列优惠政策措施,缓解了企业困难,减轻了企业负担,改善了收入分配关系。“十四五”中后期乃至更长一个时期,必须以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神,调整优化收入分配关系,健全完善现代收入分配体系,推动共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性的进展。在量的指标的预期和掌控上,将居民收入分配的基尼系数继续缩小;保持居民收入持续稳定增长;提高居民收入在国民收入中的比重;做好国民收入的三次分配;加强对教育科学文化体育等的财政投入,满足人民群众对高品质的精神文化需求;持续坚持以公有制经济为主体;保持社会成员在社会各阶层之间的充分流动性,尽最大努力防止社会成员在社会各阶层结构间的固化。 The report of the Communist Party’s 20th National Congress provides a fundamental basis for us to promote the modernization of common prosperity for all the people.Since the emerging of the reform and opening up policy,China has formed an income distribution pattern coexisting mainly according to work and production factors,which has promoted the development of social productive forces effectively.Since 2012,remarkable achievements have been made in adjusting and optimizing people’s living standards and income distribution:winning the battle against poverty,building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,and eliminating absolute poverty.The Gini coefficient of household income distribution shrinks.A series of preferential policies and measures,such as the coordination of anti-epidemic and development,taxation,fees and finance,have eased the difficulties of enterprises,reduced the burden on enterprises,and improved the income distribution relationship.In the expectation and control of quantitative indicators,the Gini coefficient of resident income distribution will continue to shrink.Maintain a steady increase in personal income.Increase the share of individual income in national income;Do a good job in the third distribution of national income;We will increase financial investment in education,science,culture and sports to meet the people’s spiritual and cultural needs for high quality.Continue to adhere to the public sector of the economy as the mainstay.To maintain the full mobility of social members among all social strata,and to do our utmost to prevent the solidification of social members among social strata structures.
作者 吴先满 Wu Xianman(Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences,Nanjing 210004)
出处 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报》 2023年第3期1-4,共4页 Journal of Anhui Business College
关键词 分配关系优化 现代分配体系完善 共同富裕实质性进展 Allocation relationship optimization Perfect the modern distribution system Substantial progress has been made in achieving common prosperity
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