
城市群网络空间结构对大气污染的减排效应研究 被引量:1

Study on Emission Reduction Effect of Urban Agglomeration Network Spatial Structure on Air Pollution
摘要 探究城市群网络化空间结构演化及减排效应是提升城市群环境质量的重要支撑.本文基于2004−2020年中国14个城市群的动态面板数据,采用社会网络分析方法总结城市群网络空间结构及多重嵌套特征,进而构建实证模型纠偏最小二乘法(LSDVC)检验城市群网络空间结构的大气污染减排效应,并引入嵌套型与非嵌套型城市群的异质性分析,最后探讨了城市群产业分工水平的中介影响机制.结果表明:①我国城市群空间结构具有明显的网络化趋势,但各城市群之间存在显著差距,其中长三角城市群、长江中游城市群和珠三角城市群的网络空间结构已经出现了多重嵌套特征.②城市群网络空间结构具有显著的大气污染减排效应,且相对于非嵌套型城市群,嵌套型城市群的减排效应更显著.③产业分工水平对于城市群的大气污染减排效应存在中介影响机制,优化城市群产业分工布局有利于大气污染减排.研究显示,发展多重嵌套、分工明确、联系紧密、功能互补的城市群网络空间结构有助于强化区域协同合作,提升环境污染治理能力,推动城市群绿色发展. Exploring the evolution of network spatial structure and emission reduction effect of urban agglomerations is an indispensable support to improve the environmental quality of urban agglomerations.Based on the dynamic panel data of 14 urban agglomerations in China from 2004 to 2020,this paper uses social network analysis to summarize the network spatial structure and multiple nesting characteristics of urban agglomerations,constructs the empirical model LSDVC to test the air pollution emission reduction effect of urban agglomerations network spatial structure,and introduce the heterogeneity analysis of nested and non-nested urban agglomerations.Ultimately,the paper shows the intermediary influence mechanism of industrial division of labor in urban agglomerations.The results show that:(1)The spatial structure of urban agglomerations in China has an obvious trend of networking,but there are significant gaps between urban agglomerations.Among them,the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration,the middle reaches of Yangtze River urban agglomeration,and the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration,etc.,have multiple nested characteristics.(2)The network spatial structure of urban agglomerations has a critical air pollution emission reduction effect,and the emission reduction effect of nested urban agglomerations is more significant than non-nested ones.(3)The level of industrial division of labor has a mediating influence mechanism on the air pollution emission reduction effect of urban agglomerations,and optimizing the industrial division of labor in urban agglomerations is conducive to reducing air pollution.Therefore,the development of multiple nested,clear division of labor,close connection,and complementary functions of the network spatial structure of urban agglomerations can help strengthen regional cooperation,enhance the capacity of environmental pollution management,and promote the green development of urban agglomerations.
作者 赵菲菲 钱帅 向堃 赵旭 ZHAO Feifei;QIAN Shuai;XIANG Kun;ZHAO Xu(School of Economics and Management,Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,China;School of Law and Public Administration,Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,China;Department of Civil,Environmental,and Construction Engineering,University of Central Florida,Orlando FL32816,America)
出处 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期1882-1891,共10页 Research of Environmental Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(No.19ZDA089) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.72004116)。
关键词 网络空间结构 嵌套型城市群 大气减排 PM_(2.5) 产业分工水平 network spatial structure nested urban agglomeration atmospheric emission reduction PM_(2.5) level of industrial division
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