
彬长矿区煤层开采导水裂隙带高度探测及计算 被引量:14

Detection and calculation of the height of water flowing fractured zone of coal roof in Binchang mining area
摘要 针对彬长矿区煤层开采顶板导水裂隙带发育规律复杂,导致矿井水害影响评价难度大的问题,通过分析典型工作面的涌水情况,对比不同开采参数下工作面涌水差异特征,初步得出不同工作面长度对导水裂隙带的差异性影响;以现场实践为指导,提出“采前背景条件探查、采中水位动态监测、采后综合测试”的煤层开采全过程导水裂隙带高度综合实测方法;基于矿区内大量导水裂隙带高度实测结果,分析得出彬长矿区导水裂隙带发育规律呈现明显的工作面长度控制效应,采长175~240m时导水裂隙带发育高度较大,采长80~151m时导水裂隙带高度相对较小,在同一工作面长度控制下,导水裂隙带高度随采高呈非线性增长的规律;根据导水裂隙带高度变化规律,采用非线性回归分析方法,分别拟合出2种开采参数下导水裂隙带高度计算经验公式,并分析了公式的适用范围;采用推导的经验公式对区域内新开采工作面影响白垩系洛河组含水层程度进行分析,结果表明所得经验公式可以较好地评价工作面受洛河组含水层充水的影响程度,与《煤矿防治水手册》推荐的经验公式相比其计算精度明显增加。研究成果可对彬长矿区和周边相似条件矿井导水裂隙带高度的确定提供较好的参考,同时丰富了我国西部侏罗纪煤田煤层顶板导水裂隙带的研究成果。 In the Binchang mining area,the rules of height of water flowing fractured zone formed by coal seam mining of coal roof are complex,and it is difficult to evaluate the impact of mine water hazards.In response to this problem,this paper analyzes the water inrush situation of typical coal mining faces and compares the difference of water inrush from working areas under different mining parameters.It is preliminarily obtained that the different mining lengths of different working areas have different influences on the water flowing fractured zone.Based on the field measurement,a comprehensive measurement method for the height of the water flowing fractured zone during the whole process of coal seam mining is summarized by''pre-mining exploration,mid-mining water level monitoring,and post-mining comprehensive testing''.According to a large number of actual measurement results,it is recognized that the height of the water flowing fractured zone in Binchang mining area is controlled by the mining length.The water flowing fractured zone is large when the length is 175-240 m,and the water flowing fractured zone is small when the length is 80-151 m.When approaching,the height of the water flowing fractured zone increases nonlinearly with the mining thickness.According to the changing law of the height of the water flowing fractured zone,a nonlinear regression analysis method is used to fit the empirical formula to calculate the height of the water flowing fractured zone under two mining parameters,and the applicability of the formula is analyzed.The empirical formula obtained in this study is used to analyze the degree of influence of the Cretaceous Luohe formation aquifer on the newly mining face,which shows that the empirical formula can accurately evaluate the influence of the aquifer on the mining face,with an accuracy higher than the empirical formula recommended by the Handbook of Coal Mine Water Prevention and Control.The research is of great significance to the determination of the height of the water flowing fractured zone in the Binchang mining area and also other mines under similar conditions.Meanwhile,the research enriches the research results of the water flowing fractured zone in the roof of the Jurassic coal field in western China.
作者 郭小铭 刘英锋 谷占兴 GUO Xiaoming;LIU Yingfeng;GU Zhanxing(Xi'an Research Institute,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group,Xi'an 710077,China;Shaanxi Key Lab of Mine Water Hazard Prevention and Control,Xi'an 710077,China;Shaanxi Changwu Tingnan Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,Xianyang 713602,China)
出处 《采矿与岩层控制工程学报》 北大核心 2023年第5期87-96,共10页 Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering
基金 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划重点资助项目(2023-JC-ZD-27)。
关键词 导水裂隙带 经验公式 现场测试 多因素分析 water flowing fractured zone empirical formula field test multi-factor analysis
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