

Allusion of Hanbi Chen Chi Dajiang Chuang--Differences in Interpreting Yan Yu′s Allusions between Wang Shizhen and Wu Qiao
摘要 王世贞有七律《寄赠杨仲芳武选》,吴乔认为其中“汉壁晨驰大将床”句化用《左传》中华元夜登子反之床的记载,故批评“晨”字不当。实则该句典源为《史记》中刘邦晨入韩信寝帐夺印事,诗人以此书写明帝收缴卧病在床的大将军仇鸾的军权和将印。吴乔对该句的误批,表层原因是误会了该诗的创作时间,深层原因则是用典理念与王不同。王世贞通过揣摩苏轼的用典实例而接受了严羽的主张,因此不追求诗句的直接切题,不追求用语与典源的一致。吴则以严说为谬,强调典故下字要有来历,故以“床”字为线索而误认典源,也误导了后世学人。有此个案,则宋人对明代复古派诗人的影响也值得加以研究。 Wang Shizhen ever wrote a poem named Mail to Wuxuan-Official Yang Zhongfang,with one sentence is"Han bi chen chi dajiang chuang"in which"dajiang"means"general"and"chuang"means"bed".Wu Qiao deems the allusion refers to the story in Zuo′s Commentary(Zuozhuan)that Hua Yuan sneaked into the enemy camp at night and boarded General Zifan′s bed to force him to withdraw his army.Wu criticizes the word"chen"as a bug because it means"morning"but not"night".In fact,Wang refers to the story in The Records of the Grand Historian(Shiji)that Liu Bang stormed into General Han Xin′s bedroom and took away the general′s seal in the morning.With the allusion,Wang describes that Emperor Jiajing deprived General Qiu Luan,who was ill in bed,of his general seal and military power.The superficial reason for Wu′s wrong criticism is that he misunderstands the time when the poem was written,and the hidden reason is that his ideas of using allusions are different from Wang′s.Under the influence of Yan Yu,Wang does not pursue that each sentence fits the title,or the verse fits the original allusion.Wu judges Yan to be wrong,and emphasizes the words in the original allusion.Therefore,he has made a mistake in the allusion with"chuang"(bed)as a wrong clue,and misled later scholars.In this case,it is worth studying the influence of the Song poets on the poets in the Ming Dynasty.
作者 李军 王玉花 Li Jun;Wang Yuhua(School of Humanities and Laws,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300401,China)
出处 《河北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期36-43,共8页 Journal of Hebei University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 全国高校古籍整理研究工作委员会项目(编号1719)的阶段成果。
关键词 王世贞 吴乔 苏轼 严羽 用典 Wang Shi-zhen Wu Qiao Su Shi Yan Yu allusion
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