
知识产权政策对数字经济的影响机制研究——来自知识产权示范城市的证据 被引量:2

Research on the Influence Mechanism of Intellectual Property Policy on the Digital Economy:EvidencefromIPModel Cities
摘要 当前,各国竞争优势和竞争中心逐渐从有形的“物质”转变到无形的“数据”竞争,作为中国经济发展最活跃领域之一的数字经济,其发展关乎我国国家战略大局。数字经济时代,新模式、新业态和新市场层出不穷,这离不开知识产权制度的保驾护航,数字技术和数据权益等诸多数字经济要素均可以在知识产权框架内加以激励和保障。采用多时点双重差分模型考察了2011-2019年间中国知识产权示范城市政策对区域数字经济的影响,探讨了知识产权示范城市政策作用于数字经济发展的路径机制和政策启示。结果发现:(1)知识产权示范城市政策对数字经济的促进作用显著存在;(2)知识产权示范城市政策促进区域数字经济发展的政策效应随时间变化呈现先上升后下滑的趋势;(3)知识产权示范城市政策通过促进知识产权保护、吸引科技人才集聚以及振奋当地企业家精神等方式刺激数字经济发展,其中企业家精神发挥着较为关键的作用;(4)知识产权示范城市政策对数字经济发展的作用受到城市规模和城市财政的影响,具有一定的区域差异性。 At present,the competitive advantages and competition centers of various countries are gradually changing from tangible"material"to intangible"data"competition.Affected by the global epidemic and other factors,the world economy is facing the risk of recession.Compared with the traditional economy,the digital economy has wider coverage,stronger penetration,and higher innovation.The digital economy has become an important engine for promoting high-quality economic development in the new era.As one of the most active areas of China's economic development,the development of the digital economy is related to the overall situation of China's national strategy.In the era of digital economy,new models,new formats and new markets emerge one after another,which cannot be separated from the protection of intellectual property systems.Many elements of digital economy development,such as digital technology,data rights and other interests,can be stimulated and protected within the framework of intellectual property rights.In particular,data,which is the core"software support"of the digital economy,is likely to be subject to intellectual property infringement due to its characteristics of being easy to be copied and low copying costs,and it needs to be protected through the intellectual property protection system.China has issued a series of policies to strengthen the construction of the intellectual property protection system.Among them,the intellectual property model city policy is the construction of intellectual property governance models from the perspective of the institutions at the city level.At present,there is stil a lack of academic research on the policy of intellectual property model city in the era of digital economy.The impact of the intellectual property model city policy on the development of the digital economy and its mechanism lack direct and clear empirical evidence.In order to improve the above deficiencies,this paper used the time-varying DID model to investigate the impact of China's intellectual property model city policy on the regional digital economy from 2011 to 2019,and discussed the path mechanism and policy enlightenment of intellectual property model city on the development of digital economy.The research found that:(1)The policy of intellectual property model city has a significant role in promoting the development of digital economy.(2)The effect of intellectual property model city policy on promoting the development of regional digital economy shows a trend of first rising and then declining with the annual change.(3)The policy of intellectual property model city stimulates the development of digital economy by promoting intellectual property protection,attracting the gathering of scientific and technological talents and stimulating local entrepreneurship,in which entrepreneurship plays a key role.(4)There are differences in size and financial resources of city when the impact of intellectual property model city policy on the development of digital economy is analyzed.The research conclusion provides a new perspective for promoting the development of digital economy,an empirical analysis of the mechanism about how China's intellectual property model city policy promoting the development of the digital economy.At the same time,it also provides empirical evidence and policy recommendations for the implementation of the intellectual property model city policy in China.Specific recommendations include:(1)It should be treated as the basic system to strengthen intellectual property continually to protect the development of the digital economy.(2)The government should optimize the business environment,reduce business operating costs and transaction costs,accelerate the agglomeration of scientific and technological talents,and form a virtuous circle and spiral development process.(3)It is necessary to make full use of the function of intellectual property policy for mega-cities,but also fully create the function for small and medium-sized cities,and increase the appropriate preference for small and medium-sized cities in the central and western regions.(4)In addition,atention should also be paid to supporting financial and taxation policies such as fiscal taxation,financial insurance,special funds,and to strengthen comprehensive support for intellectual property model city policy to promote the development of the digital economy.
作者 姜南 马艺闻 刘谦 JIANG Nan;MA Yiwen;LIU Qian(Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;Business School of Hohai University,Nanjing 210024,China)
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期91-109,共19页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72274137,71874122,72072033) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2022-1-YB-23)。
关键词 知识产权示范城市 数字经济 影响研究 intellectual property model city digital economy impact study
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