为获得高品质的军用产品研制成果,不断提升军用软件产品的交付质量显得尤为重要。重点介绍GJB 5000A二级软件成熟度模型7个过程域中的过程和产品质量保证流程,阐述项目级质量保证人员在军用软件开发阶段的主要职责和工作步骤。通过实例解析工作产品和过程活动的检查要点,分析不符合项的处理和反馈情况。工作实践表明,项目级软件开发质量保证对获得高品质的军用产品具有重要的基础保障作用。
The Level 2 software maturity model suggested in GJB 5000A is introduced,highlighting the processes in the seven process areas and product quality assurance work flow.The main responsibilities of project-level quality assurance personnel in the military software development stage and the work flow they should follow are explained.Practical examples are given to show the way of implementing the model.How to set up inspection points for work products and process activities and how to handle non-conformities and give feedback are explained.The quality improvement of military software products gained by implementing GJB 5000A model is demonstrated.
RUI Jixiang(Warship Automatic System Division,Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200135,China)
Journal of Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute