

Financial data security:strategies and practices for responding to the challenges of emerging technology
摘要 随着科技的快速发展和新兴技术的广泛应用,金融行业正面临着前所未有的安全挑战。金融数据的安全性对于金融机构和客户而言至关重要,因为数据泄露或被黑客攻击可能导致经济损失、信誉受损以及其他严重后果。通过研究对金融数据安全带来的影响和威胁,探讨新兴技术对金融数据安全所带来的挑战,并提出应对策略和解决方案。该研究成果对于确保金融数据的安全性、维护金融行业的稳定发展具有重要意义。 With the rapid development of technology and the widespread application of emerging technologies,the financial industry is facing unprecedented security challenges.The security of financial data is crucial for financial institutions and customers,because data breach or hacking may lead to money loss,reputation damage and other serious consequences.By studying various emerging technologies in the financial industry,such as cloud computing,big data applications,artificial intelligence,blockchain and wireless communication,we can deeply understand their impact and threat on financial data security,discuss the challenges posed by emerging technologies to financial data security,and propose coping strategies and solutions.These research results are of great significance for ensuring the security of financial data and maintaining the stable development of the financial industry.
作者 张杨军 杨萍 Zhang Yangjun;Yang Ping(Lvliang Vocational and Technical College,Lvliang 032300,China;National Administration of Financial Regulation Shanxi Supervision and Administration Bureau,Taiyuan 030001,China)
出处 《网络安全与数据治理》 2023年第9期6-10,20,共6页 CYBER SECURITY AND DATA GOVERNANCE
关键词 新兴技术 金融数据安全 解决方案 emerging technologies financial data security solutions
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