

The influencing factors of simulation machine training based on social network analysis method
摘要 转机型模拟机培训时间是航空公司选购新飞机的重要参考信息之一。了解影响转机型模拟机培训时间的因素,有助于飞机设计方更有针对性地进行设计开发。在当前尚未进行相关研究的情况下,通过对转机型模拟机培训资料的分析,基于数据构建和关系分析维度,识别并提出了将社会网络分析法应用于挖掘转机型模拟机培训时间影响要素的可能性。在研究的最后阶段,以A330转机型A320模拟机培训科目的影响要素挖掘为例展开应用,旨在验证社会网络分析方法在转机型模拟机培训时间影响要素挖掘方面的可行性。通过对各项要素进行分析,研究人员可以更好地理解转机型模拟机培训时间的变化和影响因素,为今后开展相关研究提供了方法基础。通过进一步研究和探索,可以深入挖掘和分析转机型模拟机培训时间的各种影响因素,并为航空公司和飞机设计人员提供更全面和准确的信息,以支持飞机购买和培训决策的制定,对航空行业的发展和提高飞行安全性具有重要意义。 The duration of transition simulator training is one of the important reference information for airlines to purchase new aircraft.Understanding the factors that affect the duration of transition simulator training can help aircraft designers to carry out more targeted design and development.In the absence of relevant research at present,this study identifies and proposes the possibility of applying social network analysis method to explore the factors that affect the duration of transition simulator training through analysis of transition simulator training data,based on data construction and relationship analysis.In the final stage of the research,we verify the feasibility of social network analysis method to explore the factors that affect the duration of transition simulator training,taking the example of Airbus A330 to Airbus A320 simulator training subjects.By analyzing various factors,researchers can gain a better understanding of the changes and influencing factors of training duration for transition simulators.This study provides a methodological foundation for future research.Through further research and exploration,the various influencing factors on training duration for transition simulators can be deeply explored and analyzed and more comprehensive and accurate information can be provided for airlines and aircraft designers to support decision-making in aircraft purchase and training.This is of great significance for the development of the aviation industry and the improvement of flight safety.
作者 杨延延 杨鹏宇 屈士莹 王黎静 YANG Yanyan;YANG Pengyu;QU Shiying;WANG Lijing(Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 200241,China;Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute,Shanghai 201210,China;BeiHang University,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《民用飞机设计与研究》 2023年第3期147-152,共6页 Civil Aircraft Design & Research
关键词 社会网络分析 转机型模拟机培训 飞行员培训时间 影响要素 social network analysis transition simulator training pilots training duration influencing factors
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