

Fermented Products of Extreme Monascus and Sorghum and Its Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties
摘要 极端微生物从毛红曲霉Monascus pilosus YX-1125分离于白酒酿造环境中,该菌种被发现能够以高粱为底物进行生长,并能够耐受多重极端环境胁迫。基于此,本文开发出一种新型的源自该菌种与高粱的发酵滤液(Mon-ascus and Sorghum Fermentation Filtrate,MSFF),并研究了其成分、安全性和生物活性。结果表明,MSFF富含丙酸、丁酸、乙酸等多种短链脂肪酸,以及酚类化合物(大于7.0 mg/mL)和17种氨基酸(大于7.5 mg/mL)等生物活性物质,且具有较强的复合抗氧化潜力,80%浓度MSFF的二苯代苦味肼基自由基清除率67.3%、铜螯合率59.71%,铁螯合率42.62%,羟自由基清除率83.31%和超氧自由基清除率55.8%,且铁离子还原能力相当于1.24 mmoL FeSO4/mL。体外实验结果揭示1%(v/v)的MSFF即可通过减少81.4%细胞凋亡、清除35.8%胞内活性氧、抑制最高83.2%的促炎症因子的释放(白介素-6和-8)和下调最高42.5%基质金属蛋白酶的表达(金属硫蛋白酶-1和-9)等多种方式抑制炎症反应及其带来的损伤。安全性测试证实了MSFF有很高的细胞相容性。综上所述,MSFF是一种安全高效的抗氧剂与抗炎症原料,在健康食品与皮肤护理领域拥有巨大的应用潜力。 Extremophile strain Monascus pilosus YX-1125 was isolated from the baijiu-making environment.It was found that this strain could use sorghum as substrate and could tolerate multiple extreme environmental stress.Based on this,Monascus and Sorghum Fermentation Filtrate(MSFF)derived from this strain was developed,and its composition,safety,and bioactivity were studied.Research findings revealed that MSFF was abundant in various bioactive substances,including short-chain fatty acids such as propionic acid,butyric acid,and acetic acid,phenolic compounds(greater than 7.0 mg/mL)and 17 amino acids(greater than 7.5 mg/mL),and had strong antioxidant potentials(80%concentration of MSFF with DPPH scavenging 67.3%,copper chelation 59.71%,iron chelation 42.62%,hydroxyl scavenging 83.31%,superoxide scavenging 55.8%,and ferric ion reducing antioxidant power 1.24 mmoL eq FeSO4/mL).The results of in vitro experiments revealed that 1%(v/v)MSFF could inhibit inflammation and reduce its damage by reducing 81.4%cell apoptosis,removing 35.8%intracellular reactive oxygen species,inhibiting the release of proinflammatory cytokines(interleukins-6 and-8)up to 83.2% and down-regulating the expression of matrix metalloproteinases(MMP-1 and MMP-9)up to 42.5%.The safety test confirmed that MSFF had high cytocompatibility.In conclusion,MSFF was a safe and highly effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredient,which had great potential applications in the fields of health food and skincare.
作者 师建全 王凯 肖冬 郑羽西 阴耕云 李焞 SHI Jianquan;WANG Kai;XIAO Dong;ZHENG Yuxi;YIN Gengyun;LI Chun(Technology Centre of China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650231,China;Moutai Institute,Renhuai 564500,China;Shanghai Li Biological Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200000,China)
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第20期152-161,共10页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(52160006) 贵州省教育厅重点领域项目(KY(2020)045号) 云南中烟工业有限责任公司科技计划项目(2021CL04) 茅台学院科学学者研究基金资助。
关键词 抗氧化性 极端微生物 红曲霉 抗炎症 发酵产物 短链脂肪酸 酚类物质 antioxidant extremophiles Monascus anti-inflammatory fermentation products short chain fatty acids phenolic compounds
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