

Design of traction electric transmission system forhigh-powerhydrogen fuel cell hybrid locomotive
摘要 大功率氢燃料电池混合动力机车以动力蓄电池+氢燃料电池作为混合动力代替传统的燃油动力,详细阐述了混合动力机车总体参数和电传动系统、燃料电池双向DC/DC电路、变流牵引回路拓扑结构设计、主要技术参数、设计理念及主要部件特点,并采用Simulink软件对牵引电路进行了建模和仿真分析,验证主电路设计的合理性。 The high-power hydrogen fuel cell hybrid locomotive uses a hybrid power of battery and hydrogen fuel cell instead of traditional fuel power.The paper introduces the overall parameters,electric transmission system,bidireetional DC/DC circuit of the fuel cell,topology design of converter traction ecireuit,main technical parameters,design concepl and main component characteristics of the hybrid locomotive ir detail.The Simulink software is used to model and simulate the traction circuit,by which the rationality of the main eireuit design is verified.
作者 邢建华 周志国 XING Jianhua;ZHOU Zhiguo(SPIC Inner Mongolia Energy Co.,Ltd.,Chifeng 024500,China;Railway Transport Branch of Inner Mongolia CLP Logistics Road Port Co.,Ltd.,Chifeng 024000,China)
出处 《铁道机车与动车》 2023年第9期1-4,I0001,共5页 Railway Locomotive and Motor Car
关键词 氢燃料 变流器 牵引电机 电传动系统 hydrogen fuel converter traction motor electric transmission system
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