

The Inherent Logical Transformation of Althusser's Critical Theory of Ideology
摘要 阿尔都塞意识形态批判理论在国外马克思主义意识形态谱系中占据重要地位,影响后阿尔都塞主义的理论建构,其内在逻辑的转变引发相关学者探讨。基于对《论再生产》和《话语理论的三个笔记》等文本的分析,发现阿尔都塞意识形态批判理论内在逻辑转变过程中隐藏三个线索。第一,在“五月风暴”之前,阿尔都塞强调科学与意识形态的认识论断裂,将意识形态作为一种结构性和镜像性存在;之后,他更加重视意识形态的政治功能,强调对“意识形态一般”特别是对国家意识形态的剖析。第二,阿尔都塞的意识形态批判理论曾受惠于弗洛伊德和拉康的精神分析理论,注重对无意识的分析以及对镜像理论的运用;后来阿尔都塞逐渐上升到对意识形态物质性和实践性的分析,强调意识形态的准行为主义和物质基础。第三,阿尔都塞的话语理论厘清了历史唯物主义总理论和其他局部理论,辨别四种话语形式并展开开拓性和批判性的学术探索,奠定了阿尔都塞学派的精神旨趣。这是一种过渡理论,为其后的意识形态唤问理论做了哲学铺垫。因此,阿尔都塞前后思想之间存在比较明显差异,但并不是完全断裂的,而是连续性与非连续性的统一。阿尔都塞前期与后期意识形态批判理论之间是弥合的,既秉承对意识形态的科学性和结构性阐释,又将意识形态与社会存在、精神分析和历史唯物主义融合起来,突破了对意识形态的静态阐释,增强了理论的解释效力,生成了一种新唯物主义理解范式。 Althusser's critical theory of ideology takes up an important position in the ideological pedigree of Marxism abroad,which affects the theoretical construction of post-Althusserism,and the change of its inherent logic has triggered discussions from related scholars.Based on the analysis of On Reproduction and Three Notes on Discourse Theory,some clues are found hidden in the transformation of the internal logic of Althusser's critical theory of ideology.First,before the May Storm,Althusser emphasized the epistemological fracture between science and ideology and regarded ideology as a structural and mirror existence;after that,he paid more attention to the political function of ideology,emphasizing the analysis of"ideology in general",especially the national ideology.Second,Althusser's critical theory of ideology was once indebted to the psychoanalytic theories of Freud and Lacan,focusing on the analysis of the unconscious and the application of the mirror theory.Later,Althusser gradually rose to the analysis of the materiality and practicality of ideology,emphasizing the quasi-behaviorism and material basis of ideology.Third,Althusser's discourse theory clarified the general theory of historical materialism and other local theories,distinguished four discourse forms and carried out pioneering and critical academic exploration,which established the spiritual purport of Althusser School.This is a transitional theory,which lays the philosophical groundwork for the subsequent theory of ideological arousal.Therefore,there are obvious differences between Althusser's thoughts in different periods,but they are not completely broken,rather they are a unity of continuity and discontinuity.Althusser's thoughts in the early and late periods are bridged,which not only adhere to the scientific and structural interpretation of ideology,but also combine ideology with social existence,psychoanalysis and historical materialism.They break through the static interpretation of ideology,enhance the explanatory effectiveness of the theory,and produce a new materialistic understanding paradigm.
作者 卢斌典 LU Bindian(School of Marxism,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266061,Shandong China)
出处 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期130-140,共11页 Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)
基金 博士后面上资助项目(2022M723540)。
关键词 阿尔都塞 意识形态批判 《论再生产》 话语理论 ideological criticism Althusser On Reproduction discourse theory
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