

Effect of Propofol on Amplitude of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Motor Evoked Potential in Patients Undergoing Spinal Surgery and Its Mechanism
摘要 目的 通过全麻下的诱发肌电图(H-反射波、M-波和F-波),评估异丙酚对经颅电刺激运动诱发电位(TCE-MEP)振幅的影响及机制。方法 研究对象为30例在全身麻醉下进行脊柱手术的患者。使用靶控输注,在三种异丙酚浓度(2.0、3.0和4.0 mg/L)下测量比目鱼肌诱发肌电图,以及拇短展肌、股四头肌、胫骨前肌、展肌、比目鱼肌和腘绳肌的TCE-MEP。结果 随着异丙酚剂量增加,患者比目鱼肌右侧M-波振幅增加(所有P<0.05)。随着异丙酚剂量增加,患者拇短展肌、股四头肌、胫骨前肌、拇展肌、比目鱼肌和腘绳肌的TCE-MEP振幅均降低(所有P<0.05)。观察期间患者未发生不良事件。结论 异丙酚不会影响H-反射波和F-波振幅,而TCE-MEP振幅在较高异丙酚浓度下降低,说明异丙酚可能通过抑制脊髓上运动通路,从而抑制TCE-MEP振幅。 Objective The effect and mechanism of the effect of propofol on the amplitude of transcranial electrical stimulation motor evoked potential(TCE-MEP)was evaluated by evoked electromyography(H-reflex,M-wave and F-wave)under general anesthesia.Methods The subjects were 30 patients undergoing spinal surgery under general anesthesia.Using target-controlled infusion,the soleus muscle evoked electromyography and TCE-MEP of abductor pollicis brevis,quadriceps femoris,anterior tibial muscle,abductor pollicis,soleus muscle and hamstring muscle were measured at three concentrations of propofol(2.0,3.0 and 4.0μg/mL).Results With the increase of propofol dose,the amplitude of M-wave on the right side of patients increased(all P<0.05).With the increase of propofol dose,the TCE-MEP amplitude of different muscles in patients decreased(all P<0.05).No adverse events occurred during the observation period.Conclusion Propofol did not affect the amplitudes of the H-refex and the F-wave,whereas TCE-MEP amplitudes were reduced at higher propofol concentrations.These results suggested that propofol can suppress the TCE-MEP amplitude by inhibiting the supraspinal motor pathways more strongly than the excitability of the motor neurons in the spinal cord.
作者 宗明江 刘少朋 边春生 高路盈 付佳郁 张守文 ZONG Ming-jiang;LIU Shao-peng;BIAN Chun-sheng;GAO Lu-ying;FU Jia-yu;ZHANG Shou-wen(Department of Anesthesia,Beijing Dawang Road Emergency Hospital,Beijing,100122;Department of Neuroelectrobiology,Beijing Dawang Road Emergency Hospital,Beijing,100122)
出处 《山西大同大学学报(自然科学版)》 2023年第5期85-88,共4页 Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 运动诱发电位 诱发肌电图 脊柱手术 motor evoked potential evoked electromyography spinal surgery
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