

Research on Anti-misstep Control of Accelerator Pedal for Pure Electric Buses
摘要 基于TTC算法设计加速踏板防误踩系统的风险评估模型。为提高防误踩控制系统识别的准确率,引入头部转动角度信号以及车速标准差作为换道超车意图的非误踩表征。最后,基于MATLAB/Simulink设计误踩加速踏板时的制动策略,并进行仿真分析。 The paper designs a risk assessment model for the anti-misstep system based on the TTC algorithm.In order to improve the recognition accuracy of the anti-misstep control system identification,the head rotation angle signal and the standard deviation of vehicle speed are introduced as the non-misstep representation of lane change overtaking intention.Finally,based on MATLAB/Simulink,the braking strategy of misstepping the accelerator pedal is designed,and the simulation analysis is carried out.
作者 李文皓 黄玉鹏 陈振国 张刚 杨传开 LI Wenhao;HUANG Yupeng;CHEN Zhenguo;ZHANG Gang;YANG Chuankai(Zhongtong Bus Holding Co.,Ltd.,Liaocheng 252000,China;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Safety and Energy Conservation of New Energy Buses,Liaocheng 252000,China)
出处 《客车技术与研究》 2023年第5期6-10,共5页 Bus & Coach Technology and Research
关键词 纯电动客车 加速踏板 误踩控制 行驶安全 pure electric bus accelerator pedal misstep control driving safety
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