制定上下游存在复杂水力联系的水库初期蓄水方案时,既要考虑上游来水、上下游用水、工程安全及库岸稳定等诸多因素,又要分析协调上下游水库配合蓄水的对策及影响。研究了白鹤滩水库初期蓄水方案,在初期蓄水时需考虑上游调节能力较好的二滩水库和乌东德水库的运行方式,下游溪洛渡水库和向家坝水库的下游生态及航运用水要求,以及梯级电站的发电计划、电力消纳和电网供电计划等。白鹤滩水库初期蓄水方案为:白鹤滩水库蓄水期间,除乌东德水库提供调蓄水量26.39亿m^(3)外,锦屏一级和二滩水库协助提供水量29.7亿m^(3),需乌东德水电站按2~3台机组运行,二滩水库在2021年4月上旬末库水位应不低于1185 m,5月底水位消落至1160 m,其运行方式的调整对二滩及下游桐子林等梯级总发电量和可调容量影响较小;下游溪洛渡水库和向家坝水库按满足下游生态及航运用水要求协调运行,两电站的可调容量相比运行方式调整前最大分别减少约3083,1593 MW。以此制定的蓄水方案保障了白鹤滩水库初期蓄水计划的如期实施,该研究思路、方法可为类似工程的初期蓄水研究提供参考。
During the initial water storage of large reservoirs with complex hydraulic connections between upstream and downstream,it is necessary to consider various factors such as upstream inflow,upstream and downstream water use,engineering safety,and reservoir bank stability.Additionally,it is necessary to analyze and coordinate the strategies and impacts of upstream and downstream reservoirs in the impoundment process.Taking Baihetan Reservoir as an example,the initial water storage plan of Baihetan Reservoir was studied.During the initial storage of the Baihetan Reservoir,it is necessary to consider the operation mode of the Ertan Reservoir and Wudongde Reservoir with good upstream regulation capacity,the downstream ecological and shipping water requirements of the Xiluodu Reservoir and Xiangjiaba Reservoir,as well as the power generation plan,power consumption plan,and grid power supply plan of the cascade power plants.The initial storage plan of Baihetan Reservoir is as follows:during the storage period of Baihetan Reservoir,in addition to the 2.639 billion m^(3)of water provided by Wudongde Reservoir,the Jinping First Class and Ertan Reservoirs will assist in providing 2.97 billion m^(3)of water,requiring the Wudongde Hydropower Station operate with only 2~3 units.The Ertan Hydropower Station s water level should not be lower than 1185 m by the end of April 2021,and the water level should drop to 1160 m by the end of May,which has a relatively small impact on the total power generation and adjustable capacity of cascades such as Ertan and downstream Tongzilin Reservoir.The downstream Xiluodu Reservoir and Xiangjiaba Reservoir operate in a coordinated manner to meet the downstream ecological and shipping water requirements.The adjustable capacity of the two power stations has decreased by a maximum of approximately 3083,1593 MW compared to before the operation mode adjustment.The water storage plan formulated based on this ensures the timely implementation of the initial water storage plan of Baihetan Reservoir.This research idea and method can provide a reference for the initial water storage research of similar projects.
REN Zaimin;WANG Pengfei;WANG Wei;OUYANG Qiuping;ZENG Zhaofang(PowerChina Huadong Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 311122,China;China Three Gorges Construction Engineering Corporation,Chengdu 610095,China)
Yangtze River
reservoir regulation
initial water storage plan
hydraulic connections
cascade reservoirs
Baihetan Reservoir