
基于疾病控制论的病区输液流程再造研究 被引量:1

Research on reengineering of infusion process in wards based on disease cybernetics
摘要 目的:通过病区输液流程的分析和再造研究,探讨病区输液管理改进的可能性和策略。方法:对3所医院4个临床科室的输液流程进行分析,根据疾病控制论模型进行输液流程再造;采集其中2所医院3个临床科室病区输液工作计步、计时数据和1个临床科室输液流程再造后的输液工作计步、计时数据。结果:输液流程再造后,每患者平均步数显著降低(P=0.001),降幅达56.09%,明显减少输液护士的体能消耗;每患者平均用时降低0.77分,考察需控制时间,降低为40.53%(0.77/1.90),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:病区输液流程再造后,可以降低输液护士的体能消耗,缩短每患者平均时间,效率有进一步改进的预期。 Objective:Through the analysis and reengineering of the infusion process in wards,to explore the possibility and strategies for improving infusion management.Methods:To analyze the infusion process of 4 clinical departments in 3 hospitals,and reconstruct the infusion process based on the Disease Cybernetics;and collect the step and timing data of infusion work in 3 clinical departments and wards of 2 hospitals,as well as the step and timing data of infusion work after the reconstruction of infusion process in 1 clinical department.Results:After the infusion process reengineering,the average number of steps per-patient significantly decreased(P=0.001),with a decrease of 56.09%,significantly reducing the physical energy consumption of infusion nurses;the average time spent per-patient decreased by 0.77 points,and the time after controled decreased to 40.53%(0.77/1.90),with a statistically significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusions:After the reconstruction of the infusion process in the ward,the physical energy consumption of infusion nurses can be reduced,the average time per-patient can be shortened,and there is expected to be further improvement in efficiency.
作者 陆志方 刘大成 陈玉文 蒋顺仙 屈红梅 LU Zhifang;LIU Dacheng;CHEN Yuwen;JIANG Shunxian;QU Hongmei(Health Medical College,Guangzhou Huashang University,Guangzhou 511300;Department of Industrial Engineering,Tsinghua University;Outpatient Office,Yiwu Central Hospital,Zhejiang Province;Department of Hand and Foot Surgery,Shangqiu Municipal Hospital,Henan Province)
出处 《南通大学学报(医学版)》 2023年第4期306-309,共4页 Journal of Nantong University(Medical sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助面上项目(71773002) 科技部创新工作方法专项(2015IM030200)。
关键词 疾病控制论 精益管理 输液 流程再造 disease cybernetics lean management infusion process reformation
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