

Experience in the treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers under the guidance of“field protection”theory
摘要 护场理论是中医外科疮疡方向的重要指导理论,糖尿病足溃疡作为临床常见的难治性溃疡,溃疡护场的形成及其转变在其诊疗过程中具有十分重要的指导意义。糖尿病足溃疡护场的形成是机体正气与外邪在疮周斗争的结果,是中医学整体辨证和局部辨证相结合的产物。因此,作者基于护场理论,通过整体辨证治疗的中药内服和极具局部辨证特色的外治疗法,整体和局部相补充,内治与外治相配合,干预糖尿病足溃疡发展的不同时期,促进疮面愈合。 “Field protection”theory is an important guiding theory for the direction of traditional Chinese medicine surgery.Diabetic foot ulcer as a common clinical refractory ulcer,the formation and transformation of ulcer field has a very important guiding significance in the process of diagnosis and treatment.The formation of the protective field of diabetic foot ulcer is the result of the struggle between vital energy and external evil around the sore,and it is the product of the combination of overall syndrome differentiation and local syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine.Therefore,based on the“field protection”theory,the author intervenes in different periods of the development of diabetic foot ulcers by taking traditional Chinese medicine with typical overall syndrome differentiation and external treatment with local syndrome differentiation,complementing the overall and local,and cooperating with internal and external treatment to promote wound healing.
作者 牛少辉 李贝 方毅娜 王唱 程亚清 曹刚 黄强 顾汉程 曹建春 NIU Shaohui;LI Bei;FANG Yina(The Fourth Department of Surgery,Dongfang Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100078,China;Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Taiyuan Shanxi 020600,China)
出处 《四川中医》 2023年第7期32-34,共3页 Journal of Sichuan of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:81874473) 北京中医药大学基本科研业务在读研究生项目(编号:2019-JYB-XS-219) 2019年度丰台区卫生健康系统科研立项一类项目(编号:2019~71)。
关键词 护场理论 中医药 内治 外治 糖尿病足溃疡 “field protection”theory Traditional Chinese medicine endotherapy treatment external treatment diabetic foot ulcer
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