

Crisis Mobilization and Justification of"Transmission of Confucian Teachings":The Operational Logic of the Chinese Empire's Disaster Management-A Historical Analysis on the Plague in Jiangsu and Zhejiang from Chunhua to Shaoxing Period in the Song Dynast
摘要 荒政是我国古代历史研究的重要议题,历代统治者面对灾荒危机时,常常会采取动员的措施,以稳定社会、维护秩序和巩固统治。动员型灾荒治理背后体现出古代中国独特的运作逻辑和丰富的文化意蕴。本文在对话行政生态论、资源动员论和道统论的基础上,构建了“风险感知—资源摄取—道统正当”的分析框架,对宋代淳化至绍兴年间江浙地区的瘟疫治理实践开展微观史料的分析。研究发现,古代中国灾荒治理是一个具有很强实践和文化情境特征的政治过程,围绕危机动员的政策议题,君主、官僚和社会力量之间展开了复杂的策略互动,“何时动员”取决于君主与地方官员对统治风险的感知,“如何动员”体现为官僚体系自上而下的行政动员与由内而外的社会整合,以实现最大限度的资源摄取,而“为何动员”则源于儒家“道统”的赓续与价值的宣扬。研究结论可以为中国国家治理提供历史镜鉴,也为中国式危机管理的学理分析提供可能的思路。 Famine relief is an important issue in the study of ancient history in China.When faced with the famine crisis,the rulers of all dynasties often adopted mobilization measures to stabilize the society,maintain order and consolidate their rule.The unique operational logic and rich cultural implications of the traditional Chinese empire are embodied in the mobilization of famine management.Based on the dialogue of administrative ecology,resource mobilization and the Transmission of Confucian Teachings,this paper constructs an analytical framework of"risk perception-resource intake-justification of‘Transmission of Confucian Teachings'",carrying out a micro-historical analysis of the plague control in Jiangsu and Zhejiang from Chunhua to Shaoxing period in the Song Dynasty.The study reveals that the imperial famine governance is a political process with strong practical and cultural context characteristic where there is a complex strategic interaction between the monarch,bureaucrat and social forces on the policy issues of crisis mobilization.The mobilization timing depends on the perception of the monarch and local fficials on the risk of governance;the mobilization strategy is reflected in the top-down administrative mobilization of the bureaucratic system and social integration action from the inside out in order to intake resources;the justification for the mobilization originates from the continuation of Confucian teachings and the promotion of values.The research results can provide a historical reference for China's national governance as well as a possible approach for the theoretical analysis of Chinese-style crisis management.
作者 谭海波 石一琨 Tan Haibo;Shi Yikun
出处 《政治学研究》 北大核心 2023年第4期46-58,M0005,共14页 CASS Journal of Political Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“大数据环境下城市突发公共事件的应急管理研究”(20BZZ100)的研究成果。
关键词 灾荒 危机动员 道统正当 瘟疫治理 运作逻辑 famine crisis mobilization justification of"Transmission of Confucian Teachings" plague control operational logic
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