
“宽带中国”战略试点政策对城市绿色创新的影响 被引量:5

Impact of the‘Broadband China’strategic pilot policy on urban green innovation
摘要 数字经济时代发挥信息高速公路建设的绿色创新效应对促进经济高质量发展至关重要。“宽带中国”战略试点政策作为中国实现宽带网络“提质增效”的重要战略举措,对区域绿色创新活动产生重要影响。该研究构建理论分析框架对“宽带中国”战略试点政策影响城市绿色创新的理论机制进行了解析。基于2010—2020年中国288个地级及以上城市数据、并采用多期双重差分模型,进一步实证考察了“宽带中国”战略试点政策对城市绿色创新的实际影响及其作用渠道。研究发现,①“宽带中国”战略显著提升了试点城市的绿色创新水平。该结论在经过PSM‐DID估计、安慰剂检验、工具变量估计、调整城市绿色创新水平的衡量方法以及排除“一带一路”倡议政策的影响等多种方法的稳健性测试后依然成立。②机制检验表明,试点政策带来的金融发展效应、人才集聚效应和信息化提升效应是“宽带中国”战略影响城市绿色创新水平的重要渠道。③拓展性分析发现,不同地区对“宽带中国”战略试点政策的绿色创新效应的反应灵敏度具有异质性。相对而言,试点政策对行政等级较高的重点城市、规模较大城市、胡焕庸线东南侧城市以及资源型城市绿色创新水平的提升效果更为强烈。因此,“十四五”时期,要瞄准5G、6G以及其他引领未来的高科技信息技术,持续发力推进新型网络基础设施建设,为城市绿色创新提供坚实的技术保障。该研究为以信息网络为支撑的新型基础设施建设对区域绿色创新水平的提升效应提供了实证支持。同时,也为数字经济时代推动信息高速公路建设以助力区域经济绿色发展提供了重要政策启示。 In the era of the digital economy,it is very important to give full play to the green innovation effect of information superhighway construction to promote high-quality economic development.As an important strategic measure to realize‘quality and efficiency improvement’of broadband networks in China,the‘Broadband China’strategic pilot policy has had a significant impact on regional green innovation activities.This study built a theoretical framework to analyze how the theoretical mechanisms of the‘Broadband China’policy affected urban green innovation.Based on the data of 288 cities at the prefecture level and above in China from 2010 to 2020,and using the multi-period difference-in-differences model,the study further empirically examined the impact of‘Broadband China’policy on urban green innovation and its influence channels.The results showed that:①The‘Broadband China’policy significantly improved the green innovation level of pilot cities.This conclusion was still valid after the robustness tests of PSM-DID estimation,placebo tests,instrumental variable estimation,changing the measurement method of urban green innovation,and excluding the impact of the Belt and Road initiative.②The mechanism tests showed that,the financial development effect,talent agglomeration effect,and informatization promotion effect brought by the pilot policy were important channels for the‘Broadband China’strategy to affect urban green innovation.③The extension analysis found that,different regions had different sensitivity to the green innovation effect of the‘Broadband China’policy.Relatively speaking,the policy had a stronger effect on improving the green innovation level of key cities with higher administrative levels,large cities,cities in the southeast of the Heihe-Tengchong Line,and the resource-based cities.Therefore,during the 14th Five-Year Plan period,5G,6G,and other high-tech information technologies that lead the future should be targeted,and new network infrastructure construction should be continuously promoted to provide solid technical support for urban green innovation.This study provides empirical support for the enhancement effect of new infrastructure construction supported by information networks on regional green innovation.At the same time,it also provides important policy implications for promoting information superhighway construction in the era of the digital economy to help the green development of the economy.
作者 辛大楞 彭志远 XIN Daleng;PENG Zhiyuan(School of Economics,Shandong Normal University,Jinan Shandong 250358,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期159-170,共12页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“金融高水平开放下资本市场风险跨境传染机制、测度与防控研究”(批准号:22BJL040)。
关键词 信息高速公路 宽带中国 城市绿色创新 多期双重差分模型 information superhighway Broadband China urban green innovation multi‐period difference‐in‐differences model
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