

On the Historical Enlightenment and Time Value of the Victory of Four Crossing Chishui River Campaign
摘要 四渡赤水战役,是中央红军在长征途中,为争取战略主动,在川滇黔交界的赤水河流域,同国民党军进行的一场灵活机动、具有战略意义的运动战战役。它是遵义会议之后,毛泽东进入党中央决策核心后受命于危难之际指挥的第一场以少胜多的战役,也是中国革命战争史上变被动为主动、从失败走向胜利的光辉战例。四渡赤水战役能取得胜利,是和毛泽东的高明指挥分不开的,是和党领导红军将士善于发扬斗争精神、勇于担当作为分不开的,是和党领导红军将士发扬求真务实的作风、胸怀人民至上的情怀分不开的。征程万里风正劲,重任千钧再奋蹄。赓续四渡赤水战役胜利的红色血脉,让我们紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,发扬斗争精神,勇于担当作为,满怀信心投身到实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的事业中去。 The four crossing Chishui River campaign was a flexible and strategic mobile warfare to gain strategic initiative between the Central Red Army and the Kuomintang Army in the Chishui River valley on the border of Sichuan,Yunnan and Guizhou during the Long March.It was the first battle in which Mao Zedong was ordered to win more with less after entering the decision-making core of the Party Central Committee after the Zunyi Meeting,and it was also a glorious example of the transformation from passive to active and from failure to victory in the history of Chinese revolutionary war.The victory of the four crossing Chishui River campaign is inseparable from Mao Zedong's skillful command,from the Party's leadership of the Red Army officers and soldiers who are good at carrying forward the struggle spirit and the courage to take responsibility,and from the Party's leadership of the Red Army officers and soldiers to carry forward the pragmatic style of work and the feelings of put the people first.Journey thousands of miles of wind is strong,heavy responsibility thousand Jun again street hoof.To carry forward the red tradition of the four crossing Chishui River campaign,we should rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core,carry forward the spirit of struggle,have the courage to take responsibility for our actions,and devote ourselves with full confidence to the cause of realizing the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation.
作者 王强 刘霞 Wang Qiang;Liu Xia
出处 《长征学刊》 2023年第4期35-43,107,108,共11页 Academic Journal of the Iong March
关键词 四渡赤水 斗争精神 担当作为 crossing Chishui River for four times struggle spirit take responsibility for action
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