
污泥处理技术浅析 被引量:1

Analysis of Sludge Treatment Technologies
摘要 污泥处理技术是解决污水处理过程中产生的污泥问题的关键。随着人们环境意识的增强和相关法规的严格执行,研究人员不断努力寻找高效、环保的污泥处理方法。本文介绍了传统的污泥处理方法,如污泥干化和焚烧等,这些方法虽然具有一定的处理效果,但存在环境污染和资源浪费的问题,所以厌氧消化、堆肥发酵和干化等技术逐渐受到重视,这些方法可以将污泥中的有机物转化为沼气、有机肥或能源等有价值的资源,实现废物有机物的循环利用。本文还介绍了一些新兴的污泥处理技术,如离子交换和生物炭化,这些技术具有高效处理和能源回收的特点,能够加速有机物的降解和污染物的去除。 Sludge treatment technology is the key to solving the problem of sludge produced during wastewater treatment.With increasing environmental awareness and strict enforcement of regulations,researchers are constantly striving to find efficient and environmentally friendly sludge treatment methods.This paper describes traditional sludge treatment methods such as sludge drying and incineration.Although these methods have certain treatment effects,there are problems of environmental pollution and waste of resources,so anaerobic digestion,composting fermentation and drying technologies have been gradually paid attention,and these methods can convert the organic matter in sludge into valuable resources such as biogas,organic fertiliser or energy,and realise the recycling of organic waste.This paper also introduces some emerging sludge treatment technologies such as ion exchange and biochar,these technologies are characterised by high treatment effi ciency and energy recovery,accelerating the decomposition of organic matter and the removal of pollutants.
作者 徐振生 Xu Zhensheng(Research Center for Water Treatment Technology,CRCC Development Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100043,China)
出处 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2023年第18期117-118,122,共3页 Leather Manufacture and Environmental Technology
关键词 污泥处理技术 无害化 资源化 sludge treatment technology harmlessness resourcing
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