An optical probing of laser–plasma interactions can provide time-resolved measurements of plasma density;however,single-shot and multi-frame probing capabilities generally rely on complex setups with limited flexibility.We have demonstrated a new method for temporal resolution of the rapid dynamics(∼170 fs)of plasma evolution within a single laser shot based on the generation of several consecutive probe pulses from a single beta barium borate-based optical parametric amplifier using a fraction of the driver pulse with the possibility to adjust the central wavelengths and delays of particular pulses by optical delay lines.The flexibility and scalability of the proposed experimental technique are presented and discussed.
the Ministry of Education,Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic by the project‘Advanced Research Using High Intensity Laser Produced Photons and Particles’(CZ.
the IMPULSE project by the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No.871161
F.Grepl also received funding from the Czech Technical University through the student grant‘SGS16/248/OHK4/3T/14 Výkum optických(nano)struktur a laserového plazmatu’led by Dr.Ing.Ivan Richter(FIS:161-1611617D000).