“我的使命是让所有的产品和包装都成为循环经济的一部分。”“My mission is to make all products and packaging part of a circular economy.”当前,地球生态与环境治理面临严峻挑战,发展循环经济迫在眉睫。然而,我们应该如何发展循环商业模式?设计又该如何在其中发挥作用呢?很多人对此并不十分清楚。在今年六月的香港“设计智识周”(KODW)上,来自荷兰的循环设计专家Siem Haffmans特别分享了他在帮助企业和设计师打造循环商业模式与循环设计方面的经验。
Currently,the earth ecosystem and environmental governance are faced with severe challenges and thus the call for a transition to a circular economy is growing louder.But how should we develop circular business models?And how should design play a role in them?Many people are not very clear about this.At the Hong Kong Knowledge of Design Week(KODW)in June,Siem Haffmans,a circular design expert from the Netherlands,shared his experience in helping companies and designers create circular business models and circular design.
Package & Design