“设计是一封写给世界的情书。我写给世界的情书是包容性设计。”“Design is a love letter to the world. Mine is inclusive design.”说起包容性设计,很多人并不陌生,但究竟什么是包容性设计、又如何进行包容性设计、包容性设计有怎样的商业价值,很多人并不十分清楚。说起创意领导力,很多人也略知一二,但要具备创意领导力需要哪些品质,很多人也不甚明了。在今年六月举办的香港“设计智识周”(KODW)上,包容性设计和创意领导力领域的连续创新者、Creative Review 2018年度创意领袖、英国皇家艺术学院海伦·哈姆林设计中心主任Rama Gheerawo不仅分享了他多年来在包容性设计领域的研究与实践成果,而且带来了他散发着油墨香的新书《创意领导力:源自设计》,让我们知道原来每个人都有成为创意领导者的潜力。
When it comes to inclusive design,many people are not unfamiliar with it,but what exactly is inclusive design and how to conduct it?What is the business value of inclusive design?Many people lack a knowledge about that.Meanwhile,many people may know something about creative leadership,but not quite clear about what qualities are required to possess creative leadership.At the"Knowledge of Design Week"(KODw)held in Hong Kong in June this year,Rama Gheerawo,a continuous innovator in Inclusive Design and Creative Leadership,Creative Review 2018 Creative Leader and Director of the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the Royal College of Art,shared his years of research and practice in the field of inclusive design.He also brought his freshly printed new book,Creative Leadership:Born from Design,which reveals that everyone has the potential to become a creative leader.
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